Hezbollah steps back from all-out war on Israel over Gaza - for now


The picture was taken by Goktay Koraltan and was displayed on the BBC website. Rewritten: The BBC featured a photo credited to Goktay Koraltan.

Hezbollah - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Nasrallah conveyed his message from an undisclosed area which was not only observed in Lebanon but also monitored in Israel and the United States.

Reports from Beirut, Lebanon, by the BBC News indicate that there has been a recent upsurge in violent street protests. Regrettably, the rise in unrest has resulted in several deaths and many more injuries. The demonstrations are motivated by economic and political grievances, with people demanding better living conditions, economic stability, and more accountability from their leaders. These street protests are taking place amidst an already dire economic situation in Lebanon. The country is facing an acute shortage of basic necessities, including fuel, electricity, and clean drinking water. Additionally, the value of the Lebanese Pound has plummeted, making it difficult for citizens to afford even the most basic goods. The current unrest is a continuation of long-standing grievances that date back to the 2019 protests, which led to the resignation of Lebanon's government. Unfortunately, since then, the country has seen little improvement in its economic and political situation. Many citizens are disillusioned with the government's inability to address the ongoing crises. The international community has expressed concern over the recent events in Lebanon, with many leaders urging the government to take decisive action to address the issues. However, the situation remains tense, and many fear that things could escalate further. As the people of Lebanon continue to demand change, the world watches, hoping for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing crisis.

The leader of Hezbollah was not quick in giving his response to the violent events of the previous month that have made the Middle East very unstable.

When Hassan Nasrallah delivered his speech, the things left unspoken were equally significant as the things he actually expressed.

Israel has not been officially declared as a target of full-scale war, at least not currently.

Many people in Lebanon did not anticipate it.

Nasrallah is well aware that the people in this nation have very little interest in engaging in another conflict with their influential neighbor. The previous altercation occurred back in 2006.

The citizens of Lebanon are facing several challenges, including a weakened economy and a political system that is in dire financial straits.

The deployment of two American aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean along with other measures is seen as a strong measure to discourage any potential threats.

Hassan Nasrallah spoke to a large crowd of people who were separated from each other, through a video connection from an unknown spot.

Not only his followers were eagerly paying attention to his every utterance but also those in Tel Aviv and Washington deemed his speech as important. Currently, the actions or inactions of Hezbollah may play a critical role.

The leader of Hezbollah announced that he is willing to consider different options and approaches, stating that there is a possibility of military escalation happening unexpectedly.

He stated that the situation would vary based on how Israel behaves in Gaza and deals with Lebanon.

Hezbollah is increasing the force on Israel by intensifying cross-border attacks, causing the Israeli military to move soldiers to that location.

However, Hamas desires additional support from its partner.

Sometimes, the passionate religious leader seemed to be justifying the actions of his soldiers up to this point.

He stated that what is occurring in the forefront is extremely crucial and meaningful.

People who suggest that Hezbollah should quickly start a full-fledged war with the enemy may view the current events on the border as insignificant. However, if we examine it impartially, we will realize that it is significant.

He mentioned that a total of 57 combatants affiliated with Hezbollah lost their lives over the course of the past few weeks.

As expected, he did not close the door completely and there is a possibility that things could get even worse in the future.

"I promise you that this won't be the finale," he stated, "it won't be enough."

Hassan Nasrallah emphasized that the Hamas attacks on 7 October were completely carried out by Palestinians and were kept hidden from even Hamas' supporters.

He stated that there is no connection to any local or global affairs, thus implying that neither he nor Iran have any knowledge about it.

The source of the image is Goktay Koraltan, from BBC. --- Rewritten using different words: The image's origin can be traced back to Goktay Koraltan, who works for BBC.

In Lebanon, Nasrallah and Hezbollah have a great deal of backing from the people, but the desire to engage in conflict with Israel is lacking.

The gathering in the southern suburbs of Beirut was filled with people shouting, "Nasrallah, we stand by you!" despite the scorching heat.

A man wearing a mask stood on a rooftop and monitored the crowd below. He had a large device that disrupted the signals of drones.

This area is known as the stronghold of Hezbollah, where a lot of people are loyal to the Islamist organization. Just like Hamas, the UK, the US, and numerous other administrations consider it a terrorist group.

Fatima, a 17-year-old student studying journalism and wearing gold-rimmed glasses, expressed her belief that Nasrallah will not initiate a war that will affect the entire country. However, she stated that regardless of his decision, she is content with it. Even if it were to result in war, Fatima is not afraid and believes that there is nothing nobler than dying for a good cause. She is standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people and considers them her brothers and sisters.

It seems like Hezbollah's current plan is to step back and let Hamas continue the fight in Gaza.

The situation could easily shift if Hamas is on the verge of losing.

Winning in Gaza may lead to a larger war with Hezbollah for Israel. This could come at a high expense.

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