Glastonbury weather watch: Will it rain at this year’s festival?


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With Glastonbury Festival getting nearer, the fortunate attendees holding tickets may be pondering over whether to bring their rubber boots along on their way to Worthy Farm.

Glastonbury - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

Although it is not yet possible to precisely predict how the weather will be during the Glastonbury week from 26th to 30th June, we can currently have a glance at the expected weather conditions.

Despite previous years of sunny weather during festival weekends in Somerset, there are still some partygoers who foresee a less ideal forecast.

In the past, there were some unfortunate occurrences during the festival. For instance, the festival held in 2016 had to deal with flash floods that happened in the area just a week before the festivities began. This resulted in a muddy terrain that the attendees had to maneuver and walk through.

According to Stephen Dixon, a representative of the Met Office who spoke to The Independent, the weather forecast for the UK this week is a bit uncertain. There will be some rainy showers in the north as there is a cooler area of air coming in, but in the southern parts of the country, it will most likely stay dry. So, it's a bit of a mixed bag depending on where you are located.

Glastonbury - Figure 2
Photo The Independent

He mentioned that a refreshing pocket of chilly air had been brought in through winds blowing from the northwest, leading the temperature to decrease from the high numbers observed during the weekend.

The people living in the northern areas will experience rain more often in the upcoming days. However, there will be some periods of dry weather every now and then. Although, the temperature will remain pretty low compared to what's expected during this season. The southern regions will have fewer showers, but the temperature will still be quite chilly.

He said: "Towards the end of the week and at the beginning of next week, it appears that a high pressure system will start to affect the weather in the UK. This could result in fewer showers occurring in the northern areas and temperatures returning to the norm for this time of year."

The reason why a forecast for 26 June can't be given was explained by the person. They stated that it's too early to predict the weather specifically for Glastonbury and the end of the month. It's because even small changes in the Atlantic can greatly affect the weather in the UK.

The Independent has plans to frequently update viewers on the latest weather predictions and other Glastonbury related news leading up to the festival. Information regarding schedules for various performances on each stage can be found at this location.

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