Forget the apps – the place for dating is Glastonbury


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Each year, when I arrive at the muddy fields of Glastonbury, exhausted, achy, and weighed down by countless bags, there is always one thought dominating my mind. It's not about the pain in my back or how I will see all the bands on my lengthy must-see list. No, in the midst of the wild frenzy, love is the main focus in my mind.

For those who haven't experienced Glastonbury, it may seem strange. It lacks traditional amenities like showers and mirrors for makeup touch-ups. The lingering scent of Portaloos also permeates the area after a few days. Yet, despite these drawbacks, Glastonbury holds a unique romantic charm that sets it apart.

My buddies have found love at that place. Some have become engaged, lost their innocence, and one pair I know is going to tie the knot there this year. There's a special feeling in that place. It could be because everyone is so thankful to have snagged a ticket - they usually sell out in just 20 minutes. Or maybe it's because the festival is so different from our usual lives. It might also be because people at Glastonbury are generally feeling really good (as well as other substances).

In my experience, whenever I visit Glastonbury, I notice that everyone I meet is happy. It's a place where rules don't seem to apply - you can have a late-night burger and then try laughter yoga. You can have your energy balanced at the Healing Fields and join a 5km run. You can explore unique experiences and dance near bonfires. In short, Glastonbury is simply a very enjoyable place.

This creates the perfect environment for love to blossom. People are much more open and welcoming at Glastonbury than they are in a typical pub on a Friday night. I have always believed this, and after attending the festival every year since I was 16, I am still hopeful that I will find love there.

There have been close calls. For example, once I spent two hours searching for a man I was seeing, who had instructed me to meet him at the Park stage, only to discover that his phone had run out of battery.

I once went to a festival when I was 17 without any supplies, not even a tent. I had to quickly think of a solution and decided my best bet was to find someone to share their sleeping bag with me. I arrived around 2pm, giving me a few hours to try and find a willing participant. I almost convinced someone near the Brothers tent, but they eventually admitted they were already at the festival with their partner. In the end, an old flame came to my rescue. Although I wasn't very interested in them, they had their own tent near the Stone Circle. It wasn't a romantic story, but it got the job done.

This year, you never know what might happen. It always surprises me when I run into people I used to date, especially since there are so many other users on the site. One time, I ended up at a Phoebe Bridgers concert with an ex, only for a stranger to comment on how "cute" we looked together. Not exactly ideal – but a friend once told me that seeing exes is a sign that new opportunities are on the horizon.

If that's what's meant to happen this year, I'm ready for it. I would be happy for someone to inquire about how I met my significant other and watch their reaction when I tell them, "We actually met at Glastonbury."

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