Germany to push for Chinese contributions to climate finance


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Germany - Figure 1
Photo Nikkei Asia

Jennifer Morgan, an ambassador, stated that Beijing has the ability to provide financial support to other countries. She made this comment before her upcoming visit.

Jennifer Morgan, who serves as the state secretary and special envoy for international climate action at the German Federal Foreign Office, recently conducted an interview in Tokyo on June 19. A photograph of her during the interview was taken by Yuki Kohara.

On June 20th, 2024 at 11:07 JST, AKANE OKUTSU, a staff writer for Nikkei, published a blog about China.

Before heading off to China, State Secretary Jennifer Morgan stated to Nikkei Asia that Germany will urge China to participate in worldwide climate finance efforts, which will aid less affluent countries with their adaptation and mitigation approaches.

According to Morgan, who has been working as a special envoy for international climate action at the German Federal Foreign Office since 2022, it's crucial for the Group of Seven developed countries to continue leading efforts towards climate action. However, it's equally significant for other influential economies like China to start contributing to the cause.

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