Britain or Germany – which is better for sausages, pints and scenery?


As numerous supporters from the UK are making their way to Germany for the Euros, we are making a comparison between the two nations in terms of cuisine, traditions, and other aspects.

Finally, the extended expectation for aficionados of English and Scottish football games is drawing to a close.

Scotland's UEFA European Football Championship (Euro 2024) begins on Friday the 14th of June. Their opponent will be Germany, who is also the host nation, and the match will take place in Munich.

England will have their first match on Sunday June 16. They will be facing off against Serbia in Gelsenkirchen.

Is it possible for Scotland to create a landmark by advancing further than the group stage? Can England establish a record by winning the tournament (instead of being defeated in the final on penalties, like their previous attempt)?

Many fans from Britain plan to journey to Germany to support their respective national teams. The aspiration is for their teams to make it to the championship game in Berlin on the 14th of July.

If you're in the group, chances are high that you'll get to explore a significant part of Germany. You're likely well aware of the intense football rivalry, particularly if you're from England (remembering the 1966 World Cup final, the penalty shoot-outs in 1990 and 1996, and the controversial disallowed Lampard "goal" in 2010, and the cherished 2-0 triumph in 2021). But, when it comes to being a tourist, how do Germany and Britain stack up against one another?

Being a hybrid of Anglo and German descent (having a parent from each country), I want to share my thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of these amicable and occasionally contentious rivals.

People who have limited knowledge often criticize British and German cuisine. However, these countries' food is undervalued and deserves more recognition.

Recently, there has been a significant revival of British cuisine, and chefs from Britain such as Jamie Oliver have achieved a high level of fame in Germany. While Germany has many high-end restaurants recognized by Michelin stars, Britain has a much wider variety of international cuisine to offer. For instance, a British-style curry is far superior compared to a German-style doner kebab.

Typically, German cuisine is known for its heavy nature. However, if you venture to rural restaurants, you will come across a variety of locally sourced foods such as delectable breads, cheeses, and of course, sausages that are worth trying. Similarly, British local delicacies are equally tasty, but you might have to go through some trouble to find them.

The football match between Germany and Britain ended in a 2-2 draw.

If the competition focused on beer, Germany would undeniably emerge triumphant. With its diverse regional breweries offering everything from refreshing cold pilsners to fruity wheat beers, Germany has no peers. Although Germans have a fondness for British ales, there is no other beverage that can compare. The same applies to wine: English wines have undoubtedly made great strides, but a high-quality German riesling still outshines anything produced in England. However, when it comes to spirits, British varieties reign supreme, mainly due to Scotland's magnificent malt whiskies, which are held in high esteem in Germany. German schnapps, on the other hand, pales in comparison to these fantastic whiskies.

The football match between Germany and Britain ended in a score of 2-1, with Germany winning the overall game with a score of 4-3.

Back in 1904, Oscar Schmitz, a music critic from Germany, disparaged Britain by claiming that it lacked music. Even the staunchest of British patriots would have struggled to refute this then. Germany was home to several musical legends such as Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann, Strauss, Mendelssohn, and Wagner. On the other hand, the only noteworthy British composer was Edward Elgar, who, while undoubtedly talented, wasn't in the same league as the aforementioned German composers.

After 120 years, the situation is now completely different. Britain has taken over the crown of popular music and is home to a never-ending list of successful musicians. Meanwhile, Germany's top contender is Kraftwerk, who may have had a significant impact but still can't compare to legendary British bands such as the Beatles or the Rolling Stones.

The football match between Germany and Britain ended with a score of 2-3. However, when the total scores of both teams were added up, they ended up with a tie of 8-8.

Before the Second World War, France outshone British and German art, and afterwards, the USA took the spotlight. Unfortunately, neither British nor German art has received the global recognition it truly deserves. Artists like Reynolds, Gainsborough, and Constable remain relatively unknown beyond the borders of the UK.

Similarly, artists originating from Germany, such as Caspar David Friedrich and Max Liebermann, are not widely recognized outside of their home country. Therefore, a trip to an art museum in either the United Kingdom or Germany would provide art enthusiasts with a plethora of delightful discoveries.

In both Britain and Germany, the world of fine art is experiencing a golden age, thanks to influential contemporary artists such as David Hockney and Peter Blake in Britain and Gerhard Richter and Anselm Kiefer in Germany. Despite the passing of time, these modern masters are still making significant contributions to the art world.

The football match between Germany and Britain ended in a draw with a score of 2-2, but Germany won on aggregate with a score of 6-5.

London outdoes any German city. Even though Berlin is comparable in size, its population is less than half of London's. Moreover, the eastern part of the city is still being renovated after spending 45 years behind the Iron Curtain.

Although Berlin is rejuvenating as Germany's capital once again, it lacks the variety that London possesses as a global hub where different cultures intersect. Germany's smaller cities, on the other hand, have their own unique strengths. Due to the country's past as a collection of smaller, independent regions (which is reflected in its present federal structure), state capitals like Dresden and Wiesbaden have a diverse and cosmopolitan vibe despite their smaller size.

Edinburgh is unparalleled in its architectural beauty among German cities, however, fast-paced metropolises such as Leipzig and Düsseldorf possess an invigorating restlessness that is frequently absent in comparable industrialized cities in the United Kingdom.

The recent friendly football match between Germany and Britain ended in a 2-2 tie, with both teams having scored a total of 10 goals throughout the game.

In terms of geography, Germany has two distinct regions - not divided by east and west but by north and south. The northern area is relatively flat and not very stimulating. Whereas, southern Germany is known for its hilly terrain which is more picturesque. It is worth mentioning that for visitors from the UK, the vast amount of natural woodland may come as a pleasant surprise.

Germany has approximately 33% of its land covered in forests, which is more than twice the amount of forest land found in Britain. To Germans, a stroll in the woods holds great significance, almost like a spiritual experience. However, Germany does not possess the vast and expansive landscapes of the Scottish Highlands.

In Germany, it is easy to find yourself surrounded by nature, but there are no other places quite as isolated as Shetland or the Outer Hebrides.

Germany tied with Britain 2-2, resulting in a 12-12 overall score.

Germany boasts a few delightful coastal destinations such as Sylt located on its North Sea coast and Kühlungsborn situated on the Baltic shores, however, when compared to Britain's coastline, Germany's pales in comparison.

The coastline in Germany is much shorter, only about 1,500 miles, which is much less when compared to the nearly 8,000 miles coastline in the UK. Additionally, the variation in Germany is also not as vast. While the North Sea coast is covered in sand and is very windy, the Baltic coast is more serene with trees lining its shores. However, it lacks the beautiful cliffs and coves that make the coast of Devon and Cornwall so attractive. Although, islands like Norderney and Rügen are quite lovely, they cannot match the grandeur and enigma of Scotland's rugged isles.

The football match ended with Germany losing 1-3 against Britain, resulting in a 13-15 total aggregate.

In Germany, you won't find anything that quite compares to the unique charm of the English Lake District. Each valley offers a secluded and intimate experience, away from the hustle and bustle of regular life. Additionally, the Scottish Lochs possess an ancient quality that makes them seem like relics from a bygone era.

Germany's lakes hold a unique charm, particularly the Bavarian Lakes situated south of Munich. Those who admire Mad King Ludwig, Bavaria's genius yet troubled ruler, might be interested in visiting Chiemsee to see his peculiar version of Versailles or Starnbergersee, where he met a mysterious end in just a shallow depth of water.

To the lower region, you can find the Bavarian Alps, which mark Germany's southern border. Even if they are not as vast as the Alps in Austria or Switzerland, they still dwarf anything in Britain. The highest mountain, called Zugspitze, is more than double the size of Ben Nevis.

The match between Germany and Britain ended in a draw with both teams scoring one goal each. However, when looking at the overall score of the two games played, Britain advanced with a 16 point total compared to Germany's 14.

For a long time, Deutsche Bahn, the railway system in Germany, was widely known for being consistently on time. However, due to the modernization that's been taking place with its railways and trains, its previously spotless reputation has been significantly damaged.

Despite facing multiple setbacks in previous years, I believe the situation is improving. Recently, my travels have gone smoothly and reminded me of the past when British travelers were impressed by the dependability of Deutsche Bahn and criticized the incompetence of British Rail.

To be honest, the German railway system is not as great as people believe it to be (also, the British one is not as terrible). However, even when the German trains are late, they are much less expensive, and the ticketing process is more straightforward (public transportation like trams and buses also have better pricing).

In contrast, the British transportation system can be costly and undependable, specifically in rural regions. However, amongst the transportation options in the UK, the London Underground stands out and leaves a lasting impression on German tourists.

My buddies from Germany are fond of using the subway system when traveling. It's not only because of its efficiency, but also because of the impressive architectural background of the stations. Unlike German stations that are dreary, subway stations offer a lot more visually pleasing surroundings.

Germany defeated Britain with a score of 2-1, resulting in a total aggregate score of 16-17.

English football supporters used to chant the phrase "Two World Wars and one World Cup", which was a rude way of boasting. It ignored the reality that Germany have managed to win four World Cups while England has only won one. Thankfully, this arrogant attitude is now becoming less common, and Scotland's Tartan Army has always been more successful in making friends while abroad. Currently, England has a better team than they have had in a while.

The English Premier League is now considered the leading football league globally, surpassing the German Bundesliga. On the other hand, German football still follows the Scottish model of being more affordable, less elitist and connected to the local community where it originated. The football scene in England has become more sophisticated, but it has also resulted in losing much of the old-fashioned terrace culture.

Old-fashioned terrace culture can still be found in Germany, not only at the stadiums, but also on the streets and in the parks of the hosting cities. Even if you do not have a ticket for the event, you can still experience the lively vibe of the big game by visiting fan zones, which were first introduced during the World Cup held in Germany back in 2006 and are now common all over the globe.

The football match between Germany and Britain ended with a score of 2-4, with a total aggregate score of 18-21 in favor of Britain.

Britain has achieved a close win with three victories, five ties, and two losses. However, the question remains: who will ultimately succeed on the field, Britain or Germany? German supporters have high expectations and anticipate a spot in the semi-finals. Scotland, on the other hand, views qualifying for the knockout rounds as a significant accomplishment. Meanwhile, winning the trophy in Berlin would be especially satisfying for England, serving as sweet payback for Germany's prior victory at Wembley in 1996.

Perhaps in the future, we will no longer remember the well-known statement made by Gary Lineker, which claims that football is uncomplicated - a group of 22 individuals run after a ball for 90 minutes, and the Germans are inevitably victorious.

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