Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer send emotional TV message to former Match of the Day colleague Alan Hansen

Gary Lineker

Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer were deeply moved as they expressed their heartfelt prayers and support for their previous co-worker, Alan Hansen. Liverpool publicly disclosed the concerning state of their ex-captain, Hansen, who is currently undergoing medical treatment in a hospital, on the last Sunday.

Gary Lineker - Figure 1
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Hansen collaborated with Lineker and Shearer for a considerable amount of time on BBC's sports show Match of the Day. Hansen started giving his expert opinion on the show after retiring from playing in 1991 and continued to do so until he retired from commentary in 2014.

According to the Mirror, while BBC was airing Italy vs Albania at Euro 2024, Lineker and Shearer expressed their sympathy for Hansen. Lineker acknowledged that it has been a challenging week for the entire Match of the Day team.

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We were all taken aback by the news that Alan Hansen was seriously unwell and receiving hospital treatment." Shearer looked visibly moved as he continued speaking, "Al is a close friend to all of us. We are well aware of his personality - he has tremendous strength and resilience."

"We have you in our thoughts, my friend. You can count on our support, and we're sending positive vibes your way." Lineker added: "Absolutely. The entire team at Match of the Day is sending love and well wishes to Janet, Lucy, Adam, and the grandchildren."

Alan Hansen, who was seen in a photo in 2019, is presently hospitalized and his condition is severe. -Image credit goes to Getty.

Let me explain using an analogy that Alan cherishes the most- golf...Imagine you are losing the game with only four holes left to play, and you are three points behind. However, Alan is the kind of person who can make a comeback in any situation. He is the most competitive person I have ever met. Alan, we are all supporting you.

Graeme Souness, Hansen's friend from Liverpool and Scotland team, has expressed his hope for Hansen's quick recovery by saying that he is "praying".

Souness expressed concern for the family and loved ones of the individual in question. He acknowledged the difficult situation they are currently facing and stated that he hopes for their sake that the person in question recovers soon. Souness also mentioned that he is wishing for the individual's return to their normal activities, including their tendency to make jokes and tease those around them.

Alan is a one-of-a-kind character, as I haven't come across anyone who has anything negative to say about him. He is considered to be the top centre back in football history. He has a mischievous personality and a sharp wit. He's a fantastic companion, an exceptional narrator... and allegedly has an exceptional recall ability.

I long to relive the cheerful conversations we had and the camaraderie we once enjoyed during our time at Liverpool. He is truly an exceptional human being, and the fact that he is currently in a life-or-death battle simply astonishes me.

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