MBDA leads consortium for France’s remote controlled ammunition


France has chosen MBDA's flexible and efficient "minimum viable product" strategy for its LARINAE initiative, which aims to create an independent, remotely operated ammunition system.

The French organization focused on creating innovative solutions for defense, known as AID, has revealed their choice of a group led by MBDA to create a blueprint for their 'LARINAE' project. This program aims to create a remotely controlled ammunition system that can effectively neutralize a heavily fortified objective within a range of 50 kilometers.

In the near future, AID and the General Directorate of Armaments (DGA) will conduct initial tests, predicted to be completed by late 2024. These tests will help them evaluate the suitability of the industrial suggestions for meeting the operational requirements specified by the French Armed Forces.

AID and DGA chose two groups of companies: one led by MBDA and the other consisting of Nexter Arrowhead, EOS Technology, and Traak. These consortias were selected from a pool of 16 proposals.

The goal of MBDA's initiative is to construct a drone with deployable wings that weighs approximately ten kilograms. This innovation will enable the exploration of scenarios that demand compactness and maneuverability.

In the meantime, the Nexter/EOS/Traak endeavor seeks to create a monitoring UAV with a weight of ten kilograms. This drone will have the capability to take off and land vertically and operate in areas lacking GPS signals. The impressive endurance of this system (3 hours) will enable extended surveillance missions in larger settings, even without a GPS signal.

MBDA's Effective Use Of 'Minimum Viable Product'

Continuing the momentum from the initial COLIBRI project proposal, which sought a comparable mechanism to the LARINAE but with a limited proximity of 5 kilometers, MBDA has solidified its presence in the realm of remotely-operated munitions by opting for its MUTANT concept. This selection follows a strategy centered on fulfilling user needs through a 'minimum viable product' methodology.

MBDA's advanced and directed weapon gains advantages from the innovations created by the company throughout numerous years. Specifically, it leverages the AKERON series to achieve exceptional results in disabling armored and mobile objectives. Additionally, it ensures dependable functionality and utmost safety during operations.

Cost, Timing, And Capability: Agile Delivery

Last month, Army Technology spoke to Mike Mews, the Sales and Business Development Director at MBDA UK, who expressed the company's full commitment to preparing for a new way of thinking.

In the upcoming era, defense companies will strive to find a middle ground between expenses, timing, and capability. However, in order to successfully address Europe's escalating mobilization following the conflict in Ukraine, companies must enhance their agility.

This is the reason why MBDA is collaborating extensively with AID and DGA to take a distinct approach, as confirmed by the French Ministry for the Armed Forces.

The partnership will provide solely the details of the outcomes to be generated and without any technical specifics required. The project will be daring in terms of both effects and time limits. Furthermore, the ongoing expenses will be a significant consideration as the solution must offer a lower overall cost of utilization compared to the currently employed weaponry.

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