France deploying 7,000 soldiers following deadly school stabbing as Louvre evacuated after threat


The office of the President of France has revealed that it will dispatch 7,000 troops to ramp up security patrols following a terrorist attack which caused the death of a school teacher and injuries to three other people. In another unrelated incident, the Louvre was emptied after a menace was discovered.

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Photo Sky News

The Paris museum shut down unexpectedly on Saturday due to receiving a written warning. Fortunately, nobody was harmed. The reason for the closures was related to the French administration's choice to elevate the country's security alert to the highest level.

A Russian-Chechen individual was taken into custody by law enforcement soon after the assault which occurred on Friday in a high school located in the northeastern region of Arras, around 185 kilometers or 115 miles from Paris.

Gerald Darmanin, who is in charge of the internal affairs of France, mentioned that the presumed assault by an Islamist was associated with the ongoing tension between Israel and Hamas.

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Photo Sky News

Prosecutors have reported that authorities concerned with counteracting terrorism are currently conducting an investigation into the occurrence of a stabbing and a number of people have been apprehended.

The individual suspected of the crime is a 20-year-old Chechen man named Mohamed M. He had previously attended the school and was being closely monitored by intelligence agencies due to concerns about his radicalisation.

On Thursday, he was taken into custody for interrogation after authorities monitored his phone calls in the past few days. However, according to Mr. Darmanin, investigators did not find any indication that he was planning an attack.

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Photo Sky News

According to him, officials have taken into custody 12 individuals near educational facilities or religious centers following the attack by Hamas on Israel. A few of those detained were equipped with weapons and were ready to take action. France has increased the level of protection at several hundred Jewish locations across the country during this week.

The French government has issued a warning about the potential dangers facing the country and President Emmanuel Macron has given the order for French forces to be ready to act immediately and to remain alert until advised otherwise. This step has been taken to enhance security and maintain vigilance all across France, as announced by his office.

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Photo Sky News

The government has the ability to call upon the military to safeguard public areas when the "Attack Emergency" risk level is in effect. This is only a momentary measure.

Learn more: Israel has started carrying out targeted attacks in Gaza. Classified documents reveal that the attack by Hamas may have been premeditated for a year.

Two people are still in a very serious condition.

The person who died in the assault was named Dominique Bernard and he was a teacher who taught French. According to the authorities, another teacher and a guard who were present at the time of the stabbing were also seriously hurt. The prosecutor who specializes in terrorism-related cases stated that a cleaner who was present during the incident also sustained injuries.

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Photo Sky News

On Saturday morning, some students and staff members went back to Gambetta-Carnot school while the police were keeping watch.

The school had to cancel its classes, but it opened its doors again for those who wished to gather or receive assistance.

Mr. Macron declared that the school will start again on Saturday and he encouraged all French people to remain united together.

He stated that they have decided not to surrender to terrorism. It is crucial that nothing divides them and they keep in mind the importance of schools and knowledge dissemination in their battle against ignorance.

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