Warwickshire Legends win care leavers football championship – Warwickshire County Council


The start of Euro 2024 has generated a lot of buzz and Warwickshire Legends, a soccer team composed entirely of young people who have been in care, achieved a noteworthy victory in the most recent Care Leavers Championship.

Every year, the West Midlands region holds a tournament exclusively for teams made up of care leavers from local authorities. This year, Warwickshire took part with the goal of keeping their championship title, following their win in 2023. They achieved their objective and emerged as winners once again.

The Molineux Stadium in Wolverhampton was the venue for a tournament that was won by Warwickshire Legends who excelled in every game. Their teamwork and footballing abilities were on full display throughout the competition, which served as a reflection of their journey since they came together in 2019. Most of the team members arrived in Warwickshire as youngsters seeking asylum, but they bonded with one another over their mutual passion for football, and they faithfully attended Sunday training sessions.

Sue Markham, who is in charge of Children and Families in the Warwickshire County Council, expressed her admiration for the victorious young football players. She acknowledged that playing football has been a great help for many of the players who came to the county as asylum seekers without any family members. These kids have undergone some tough times, but through sports, they have found a way to unite and form their own football family. Representing Warwickshire has had a tremendous positive effect on them.

Our commitment is to create a promising future for all children and young people who have experienced care. We aim to construct a Warwickshire that caters to the needs of children where they can thrive and enjoy the same chances for growth.

Thanks to the support of a nearby real estate company called Handles Property, the Warwickshire Legends have a brand new uniform showcasing the Child Friendly Warwickshire symbol. Handles is only one of more than 180 local establishments that have joined the Child Friendly Warwickshire Network of Friends, all sharing a common goal of making Warwickshire the ultimate environment for children and adolescents to thrive and gain knowledge.

Handles Property's Business Development Executive, Marc Martin, expressed his immense pleasure in the accomplishment of his team. He declared that he was thrilled to witness his crew donning their new kit; indeed, they looked spectacular. Martin was even more overjoyed to witness them emerging victorious in the competition, raising the trophy aloft. Their success is undoubtedly a harbinger for a group of exceptionally skilled individuals.

It fills us with immense pride and joy to witness them having a great time, which is precisely why we decided to collaborate with the Child Friendly Warwickshire project. Our wish is to keep this association going in the long run and whenever required, offer our support. Kudos once again to the squad, I'm already anticipating the upcoming game.

Umar Teerab, a member of the Voice Influence and Change team who works as a Family Support Worker, has praised the team's advancement in sports. He mentioned that the players have developed resilience and strong relationships due to their involvement in the sport. Umar was pleased to see the team's growth and improved skills. He believes that their success is a result of their hard work and dedication, and it is gratifying to witness their progress.

The triumph of the Warwickshire Legends highlights the influence of sports in uniting communities and offering chances for individual development. Additionally, it exemplifies how events in the region aid in accomplishing the goals of Child Friendly Warwickshire, which seek to ensure young people are content, fit, and have their voices heard.

For further information on Warwickshire's suitability for children, check out: https://www.childfriendlywarwickshire.co.uk/

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