Tara Champions Women & Girls Football - Bath City FC


On June 19th, Twerton Park was excited to welcome Somerset FA's England Football Equal Game workshop.

Designed for local clubs, the workshop prompts clubs to think about what they currently offer, pinpoint areas where improvements can be made, and provides advice on how to enhance their club's management, staff, promotion, and facilities to ensure that girls and women have the same opportunities to participate in football.

Greeting teams from various areas, Tara Taylor, leader of the Bath City Women's top squad, discussed her time at Twerton Park and emphasized the importance of being treated equally to the male players. This equality has greatly influenced her overall experience both during matches and in other aspects of the club.

Tara mentioned that they now have equal access to services like kit washing and playing facilities, as well as the same sports professionals and social media influencers. She expressed her happiness in receiving what was promised - equality in the game. Tara shared that she still feels excited every time she steps onto the pitch at Twerton Park. In the past, women were not allowed to train or play on the same field as men because of concerns about damaging the grass, but now that has changed.

At the event, Geoff Stevens from Bath City Foundation served as the Women & Girls Community Champion for Somerset FA. He provided guidance on how to motivate women to get involved in coaching positions at their clubs instead of staying on the sidelines.

Rachael Lawler-Edwards, who works as the Football Development Officer for Female Participation & Inclusion at Somerset FA, mentioned that women's football has seen a significant increase in interest since the success of the Lionesses in the Euros of 2022. There are now over 5,300 female players participating in football in Somerset. She also emphasized the importance of providing equal opportunities for female players and expressed her excitement about collaborating with clubs to achieve this goal.

If you are a small community club in Somerset and want to learn more, please contact [email protected].

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