Eurostar announces how EU’s post-Brexit rules will change journeys out of London


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Eurostar train travelers departing from the United Kingdom will be required to utilize digital self-service machines prior to check-in as part of the new European Union border regulations following Brexit later this year.

According to the train company that operates across the English Channel, travelers are required to complete a series of actions at St Pancras station. This includes utilizing the machines available to enter their passport information, provide a facial image, scan their fingerprints, and respond to four inquiries about their journey.

The EU's Entry/Exit System (EES) will soon be in effect on October 6th, and it will necessitate this requirement.

Following the decision of the UK to exit the European Union, the government worked towards making British travelers fall under the category of third-country nationals. This would mean that they would have to adhere to certain limitations.

The European Union has proposed to launch an "Entry/Exit System" (EES) meant for keeping a record of non-EU visitors' movements. The latest plan outlines that by mid-2025, UK citizens willing to visit the Schengen region will have to seek online permission to enter.

Eurostar stated that travelers would have an uncomplicated and relaxed trip, despite the supplementary inspections.

The current instruction remains the same, and there are no plans to alter it. Customers are still advised to arrive at the station up to 90 minutes before their train departs.

Eurostar is investing a significant amount of money, precisely 10 million euros (which approximately equals to £8.5 million), to upgrade their border facilities located at St Pancras.

The installation of 49 kiosks is taking place in three registration sections which are located just a brief distance away from the check-in area.

This exceeds the suggested number of kiosks by French authorities, by over double.

The machines are automated, but there will be employees available to aid travelers who require aid.

Once a traveler has utilized a kiosk, carried out check-in procedures, and undergone security and exit screenings in the UK, they will still require their EES registration to be finalized by French border authorities, who will rescan their fingerprints.

The European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) will be implemented for citizens of non-EU nations like the United Kingdom who are travelling to the European Union.

After a person completes their registration, they will not be required to have their fingerprints scanned for any trips within the following three-year period.

These individuals must still operate a machine to check in, but they have the option to go through the French immigration process using automated gates instead of speaking with a representative.

Eurostar is optimistic that the elimination of mandatory passport stamping for all UK passports on each journey could result in a speedier border process with the implementation of EES.

The head of Eurostar's stations and security, Simon Lejeune, has stated that customers will not be required to arrive earlier for EES.

We will continue to uphold the existing check-in schedules.

He stated: "Our goal is to provide every passenger with the smoothest possible experience."

According to Richard Thorp, the engineering director at HS1 Ltd, the process of crossing borders can be an anxiety-provoking experience for some individuals since it is not something they typically engage in.

We need to let people know about this updated process so that they can prepare themselves for it.

Don't be afraid, it's not hard and the questions will not be complicated.

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