Opinion: Enzo Maresca is not a popular Chelsea manager target at all – Talk Chelsea

Enzo Maresca

After reports surfaced about Chelsea's potential recruitment of Leicester City's Enzo Maresca as their new head coach, the fans of Chelsea are expressing their displeasure.

I can see a widespread lack of contentment across social media at the moment. This sentiment is also reflected within my own Substack community, Si Phillips Talks Chelsea.

I am starting to feel remorseful for wishing Mauricio Pochettino would leave. The selection of likely replacements has not been very impressive this entire week. The truth is, we have to admit that the options have been disappointing. I’ve been holding onto the belief that perhaps they were just a diversion, but even now I suspect that some of them were always meant to be. However, it remains to be seen whether this will change today.

In my opinion, the sole contender who resonated with me and received my approval is Ruben Amorim. However, it seems like he's no longer being considered at all. I sincerely hope that there's a valid explanation for not selecting him since he was undoubtedly the ideal choice.

I haven't found any other candidates that have motivated or interested me in the slightest. I will endorse and stand behind whoever is chosen, and I will make an effort to find the positives in that person, even if it happens to be Roberto De Zerbi. However, I can't deny my emotions, dissatisfaction, and general lack of enthusiasm regarding our next head coach. I would even prefer to hire Cesc Fabregas, despite his lack of experience and youth, over the other candidates. And I'm not joking about that!

In all honesty, selecting the next manager is the most crucial decision they will make. If the new manager fails, I expect those responsible to take full accountability without any justification. If they appoint the sixth head coach within the past two years and they also fail, there should be no room for excuses, and the decision-makers must own up to their actions.

This strategy is extremely dangerous and has the potential to fail miserably. However, there is also a chance that it could be executed flawlessly. In that case, we would all commend and admire them for their success. I am not biased in any way, I am simply stating my observations.

It's concerning because based on the recent votes, the two potential Chelsea managers that David Ornstein has mentioned as the only ones left in the running are not favored by this esteemed group of Chelsea supporters on this forum.

Based on the outdated news from yesterday morning, these are the results of the managers you prefer out of the four that were reportedly shortlisted:

Including Ruben Amorim in the survey vote:

What if they decide to hire Frank?

It's really surprising. I sincerely hope that they are aware of the potential consequences, as the fans are very passionate and could react negatively if things don't go well. It seems that most of them are unhappy with the choices that are being considered.

I am certain that the individuals in this community will support whoever is selected, and I will do the same. However, I am concerned that if we do not achieve positive outcomes and advancement in the upcoming season, this environment could once again become overly negative.

De Zerbi causes divisive opinions among the fanbase, with some idolizing him and others despising him. Bringing him on board would only fuel more disagreements among Chelsea fans. In contrast, while Amorim may not be the preferred choice for everyone, he has the potential to bring the fanbase together.

For me, I prioritize experience and a track record to ensure success. However, this group does not seem to place any importance on experience, which poses a significant risk.

Honestly, I have some serious doubts and worries about this. However, I am willing to support whoever gets selected, which at this point seems to be Maresca. I don't really have anything against him, and his methods seem like they would work well with the team. I can definitely understand why people are drawn to him, and I plan to read up more on him to see what positives he brings to the table. Despite my reservations, I am willing to give him a shot and I actually believe he has the potential to be a great manager. My main worry is that he has very little experience, especially in the Premier League, and that he hasn't managed a team as big as Chelsea before. It's a massive gamble.

Once more, exhaling deeply in frustration. I've been doing it quite often recently.

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