Chelsea step up Enzo Maresca interest as they pursue replacement for Mauricio Pochettino

Enzo Maresca

Chelsea are interested in having a conversation with Enzo Maresca, the current coach of Leicester City, while they search for a substitute for Mauricio Pochettino.

Maresca led Leicester to a successful return to the Premier League immediately after they were relegated, and previously served as Pep Guardiola's assistant while working for Manchester City.

Kieran McKenna, Maresca, Thomas Frank, and Sebastian Hoeness are some of the strongest candidates to fill the vacancy left by Mauricio Pochettino's departure on Tuesday.

The recently appointed coach has to adapt to the way the club operates, prioritize holding onto the ball during games, work well with others, feel at ease facing the attention from journalists, and be prepared to compete with Pep Guardiola and Mikel Arteta.

One of the owners, Behdad Eghbali, is currently in London to manage the selection of a new head coach while the co-sporting directors, Paul Winstanley and Laurence Stewart, lead the process.

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Poch's Next Move?

Kaveh Solekhol from Sky Sports News states:

Mauricio Pochettino is keen to get back into action following his departure from Chelsea.

He is interested in finding a job, but it's still too soon to discuss any particular positions, as this summer will be full of opportunities for unemployed managers.

It is clear that he enjoys living and working in England. Therefore, it wouldn't be unexpected if he returns to the Premier League for work in the future, given the circumstances of his departure from Chelsea.

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Chelsea think that they are a club that belongs in the Champions League. However, they haven't been able to achieve this goal for several reasons. Despite this, there doesn't seem to be any animosity between the owners and Pochettino. The players and fans both appreciate him and enjoy having him around.

Being a Chelsea manager can be quite a lengthy job. Unfortunately, Chelsea managers are typically given a short amount of time to prove themselves. This pattern seems to be repeating itself under the team's new ownership.

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