6 Emmerdale Spoilers for Next Week – 9th to 13th September


In the upcoming episode of Emmerdale, a tragic event puts lives at risk at Butlers, Tracy has a choice to make regarding Nate, and a beloved character goes missing.

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Caleb Reveals What He Saw

Moira (played by Natalie J Robb) has been worrying people with her unpredictable behavior and tendency to space out lately. Little do they know, she has been experiencing severe seizures.

This week, Caleb (played by Will Ash) thought he saw Moira and her stepson Nate (played by Jurell Carter) sharing a private moment.

Because of their past experiences, Cain was already feeling anxious about the two of them in recent weeks due to Moira acting strangely. He is shocked when Caleb tells him that he saw them kissing.

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Cain wastes no time in approaching his wife, who immediately denies any wrongdoing and tries to make the situation seem less serious.

Natalie J Robb explained to EverySoap that, in her opinion, the situation didn't unfold as others are saying. She mentioned that the person involved may be having trouble remembering clearly and might be getting mixed up. Despite this, she is sure that there was no deliberate intent to harm.

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Cain doesn't buy Moira's story, and his disbelief just makes Moira even more mad. She storms out in frustration.

Cain Faces Nate

Meanwhile, after reconciling with his wife Tracy (Amy Wyatt), Nate is getting ready to move out of the village for a new job in Shetland, accompanied by her and their daughter Frankie. However, things take a turn when Caleb shows up to stir up more trouble.

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Caleb confronts Nate in a fit of anger about something he believes he witnessed, causing Tracy to feel heartbroken as she thinks Nate has been seeing Moira behind her back while also trying to revive their own relationship.

As expected, Cain arrives at Tug Ghyll soon after, angry at his son for what he sees as a betrayal. Nate attempts to clarify the situation, but Cain is not willing to listen, instead, he punches Nate, knocking him to the ground.

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Tracy pleads with Cain to stop as he releases his anger onto Nate. Despite eventually stopping, Nate insists on his innocence to his father, but Cain harshly disowns him and leaves in a fury.

Tracy Decides

After learning the shocking truth from Caleb, Tracy sadly tells Nate that she and Frankie have decided not to relocate to Shetland with him.

Nate is devastated that he has lost his whole family all at once, even though it wasn't his fault. Tracy remains resolute as she allows Nate just a short amount of time to tell Frankie what is going on and say his final farewells.

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Can Nate, who is innocent, leave the village and his loved ones behind while this situation is still unresolved?

Moira Is Terrified Of A Familiar Face

When Cain comes back to Butlers, Moira is shocked to discover that he has physically attacked Nate.

Natalie explains that she is disappointed by his actions and feeling a mix of anger towards him for escalating the situation unnecessarily.

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Cain keeps yelling at Moira while she starts to feel like she's been in this situation before. She slaps Cain in surprise and he storms out.

Ruby wastes no time going to see Moira in the barn to boast about the situation, as there is no love lost between them ever since Moira headbutted her.

"I believe Ruby is just following the crowd, with Moira and Ruby having a past relationship," Beth Cordingly comments. "She is very hurt because Moira accused her of flirting with Cain."

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However, she starts to get concerned about Moira as she continues to behave strangely, carelessly spilling fuel on the barn floor while trying to fill the tractor.

When Moira hears Ruby's voice fading away in her mind, it starts to blend with the voice of her previous enemy and ex-sister-in-law Emma Barton (played by Gillian Kearney). Suddenly, she envisions Emma standing in front of her in the barn, triggering memories of events that happened seven years ago.

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Moira points her shotgun at a frightened Ruby and closes the barn door, telling 'Emma' to keep her distance.

Natalie describes experiencing PTSD when she is in the barn where Emma attempted to harm her and her unborn child.

Ruby is clearly unaware of the situation and is asking, "Who are Emma and James?" Moira is actually scared because she thinks that's what she saw.

Natalie mentioned that Ruby heard something from Emma that reminded her of when Emma attacked her in the barn. This triggered Ruby and caused her to have a moment of post-traumatic stress where she started to lose control.

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Panicked, Moira quickly points the shotgun upward and fires a shot as a warning. The shot causes sparks to rain down from an overhead light bulb, igniting a small fire.

Ruby makes a frantic attempt to take the shotgun away from Moira, but in the chaos, she gets disoriented from a hit to her head.

The Barn Is On Fire!

After Moira regains her composure, she is surprised to see Ruby unconscious on the ground. Before she can assist her, the fire reaches the tractor fuel, causing a massive fire to break out.

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Mackenzie quickly spots the smoke while working in a neighboring field. Unable to reach Moira on her phone, he rushes over to the barn on his quad bike.

There he meets his foe, John (played by Oliver Farnworth), who is just as worried when they discover that there is someone inside.

While trying to break into the locked barn, Mack successfully contacts Chas (Lucy Pargeter), who then notifies Caleb and Cain about the fire.

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The trio quickly headed to Butlers, where Chas attempted to restrain Cain who was rushing towards the blazing barn, determined to rescue Moira.

It's a mystery what will happen next, but suddenly a massive explosion shatters the barn, causing everyone to be thrown to the ground.

Who remained inside, and will they survive and escape?

If Moira and Ruby make it through this, Beth thinks it could be a pivotal moment for them.

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"Close calls with death can have a significant impact on individuals," she notes. "For those who have faced such experiences, it can be a transformative moment. And since they are both strong-willed individuals, their conflicts can be intense, yet they also share a deep connection, allowing them to empathize with one another, in my opinion."

Will's Blackmailer Remains Unmet

At Home Farm, Will is feeling uneasy after discovering he's being extorted by someone who is aware of his brief encounter with his ex-wife Rose.

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When Rose vanished after her plan to bring down Kim (Claire King) was revealed, both Kim and Will accused each other.

The truth came out just last week when Dawn discovered her mother on the side of the road where Kim and Will had abandoned her. Dawn then gave her mother a ride to the airport.

Dawn went along with Kim and Will as they tried to justify Rose's absence. She tested Will by suggesting that their son Evan might require a bone marrow transplant, so they needed to contact Rose.

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When Will refused to confess his knowledge of what happened to Rose, Dawn admitted that she had already been aware. She and her husband Billy (portrayed by Jay Kontzle) then decided to leave Home Farm along with their children.

Ever since then, Will has been shocked to discover that there is someone out there who knows that Rose managed to persuade him to sleep with her.

He quickly ruled out Rose as a suspect and now the person causing trouble is asking for £10,000 to stay silent.

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In the upcoming week, Will is instructed to stop at a designated area to deliver the money. However, while he is waiting, Caleb shows up and tells him about a large fire happening at Butlers. Will reluctantly decides to go with Caleb to help out at Butlers, while secretly hiding the bag of cash he was carrying.

After not meeting the scheduled deadline, Will gets a scary message from the person blackmailing him.

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Later this week, Kim tells Will that one of her favorite horses has been taken from the stable at Home Farm.

It is highly probable that the theft is linked to the blackmail scheme, but since he is eager to keep things quiet, how will Will respond?

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