Emily Thornberry dropped as PM announces new ministers

Emily Thornberry

According to the BBC, Emily Thornberry, who has been a member of the shadow cabinet for a long time, will not be given any ministerial position in the new Labour government.

Ms Thornberry expressed regret and shock at not being chosen as Attorney General in Sir Keir Starmer's government, despite previously serving in that position for three years while in opposition.

Sir Keir emphasized that Ms Thornberry has an important role in the Labour party, but did not specify what that role would be.

She was not listed in Monday's schedule, as Sir Keir unveiled new ministerial positions in the Labour government following their overwhelming win last week.

Richard Hermer KC was chosen as the Attorney General, the top legal consultant to the government. While he is not a Member of Parliament, he will receive a life peerage so he can serve in the House of Lords and assume his new role.

Anneliese Dodds, previously the head of the Labour party, has been appointed to a new role in the government. She will now serve in the Foreign Office and also take on the responsibilities of women and equalities minister.

Ms Thornberry has been a member of the shadow cabinet since 2016, holding positions as shadow foreign secretary and shadow first minister of state while Jeremy Corbyn was in charge.

In 2020, she competed against Sir Keir to become the new leader of Labour party once Mr. Corbyn stepped down. She then worked in the opposition's shadow cabinet.

In a social media post, Ms. Thornberry expressed her disappointment in being removed from her position, however, she emphasized that this feeling does not overshadow the incredible victory that the Labour movement achieved together last week.

Even though she was disappointed and surprised to no longer be able to work as Attorney General in the government, she stated that Mr. Hermer, who is a more skilled lawyer than her, will excel in the role.

The final sentence of her statement sparked some rumors in Westminster about potential intentions for a future position in government.

She finished her message by saying: "I will keep showing my unwavering support to our Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, as he guides that effort, just as I have done since he took on the role as leader. I am excited to assist his administration in any way possible in the future."

During a press conference in Wales, the prime minister stated that he is assembling a highly competent team focused on achieving results.

We received a powerful endorsement in the recent election, a mandate for implementing change, for approaching politics in a new way, and for prioritizing service. That's why I am assembling my team.

Emily Thornberry has been outstanding, she has a significant role to fulfill, just like each of my 412 Labour MPs.

Stephen Kinnock is no longer responsible for immigration, which is an important focus for the new government. He has instead taken on a new position in the Health and Social Care Department.

Nick Thomas-Symonds has spent four years in the shadow cabinet but has not been appointed to a Cabinet position. Instead, he now has a key role in overseeing European relations as a senior minister.

The prime minister chose both Sir Stephen Timms and Dame Diana Johnson from the group of Members of Parliament who were not part of the government and placed them in charge of the departments they had been monitoring as committee chairs during the previous parliament.

Dame Diana, who used to lead the Home Affairs Committee, is now a minister at the Home Office. Sir Stephen is also making a comeback to government as a Work and Pensions Minister, a position he previously held during the time of Prime Minister Blair.

His new job is significant because three current members of parliament who were part of Tony Blair's Cabinet are now part of the government - the other two being Hilary Benn, who is the Secretary of Northern Ireland, and Douglas Alexander, who is the Minister of Business.

Another person from the Blair era who has come back is Lord Livermore. He previously worked as an advisor to Gordon Brown when he was the chancellor, and now he has been appointed as the Financial Secretary to the Treasury.

Maria Eagle and Dame Angela Eagle, the first twins in history to both hold government positions simultaneously under Gordon Brown, are once again returning as ministers. This time, Dame Angela is taking on the role of Home Office minister, while Maria will be serving in the Ministry of Defence.

Sir Keir's recent choices for new ministers have come as a surprise, as he has appointed individuals who are not known to have any prior ties to his shadow cabinet.

Lord Hendy from Richmond Hill, who is currently the chairman of Network Rail, is set to become a transport minister. He has extensive experience in the transportation sector, having previously held a leadership position at Transport for London (TfL) during Ken Livingstone's tenure. Since 2022, Lord Hendy has been serving as an independent crossbench peer in the House of Lords.

He was appointed after Patrick Vallance and James Timpson were appointed as ministers.

Heidi Alexander came back to Parliament on Thursday after serving as deputy mayor of London for six years - and was quickly chosen as a justice minister.

All the new government ministers chosen on Monday are as follows:

Anneliese Dodds has been appointed as the Foreign Minister and the Minister for Women and Equalities in the Department for Education.

Nick Thomas-Symonds serves as the Paymaster General and Minister overseeing both the Constitution and European Relations.

Lord Livermore holds the position of Financial Secretary to the Treasury

Stephen Doughty, who serves as a Foreign Office Minister, stated that...

Angela Eagle, who served as the Minister for the Home Office, was responsible for managing immigration policies and law enforcement in the United Kingdom.

Diana Johnson, who serves as a Minister for the Home Office, has been making significant contributions to government decision-making.

Lord Coaker of the Labour Party was appointed as the Minister of Defence.

Maria Eagle, who serves as the Minister of Defence

Heidi Alexander is now serving as the Minister of Justice.

Karin Smyth, who serves as the Minister for Health and Social Care, is responsible for overseeing policies and decisions related to the health and social care sectors.

Stephen Kinnock has been appointed as the Minister in charge of Health and Social Care.

Catherine McKinnell is now in charge of education in her new role as the Education Minister.

Sarah Jones is currently serving as the Minister of Energy Security and Net Zero, as well as the Minister of Business and Trade.

Alison McGovern in her role as Minister of Work and Pensions

Stephen Timms is currently serving as the Minister for Work and Pensions.

Chris Bryant is currently serving as the Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, as well as the Minister for Culture, Media and Sports.

Lord Hendy from Richmond Hill is now serving as the Transport Minister.

Daniel Zeichner has been appointed as the Minister for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs.

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