Election joker Sir Ed Davey may have last laugh as his personal rating jumps - new poll

Ed Davey

The funny politician Sir Ed Davey seems to be gaining popularity as his personal ratings have increased, as shown in a recent survey.

Ed Davey - Figure 1
Photo Yahoo News UK

According to a recent survey by Ipsos for The Evening Standard, 30% of British adults indicated they are happy with the leader of the Liberal Democrats, which is an increase of seven points from three weeks ago. On the other hand, 35% expressed dissatisfaction, which is a decrease of six points.

Sir Ed, who has been participating in various election stunts like going down a waterslide, falling off a paddleboard, and being interviewed on the tea cup ride at Thorpe Park near London, now has a net satisfaction score of -5. This is an improvement from his previous score of -18 during the campaign.

Although it may not seem like a big deal, this is actually a much better result compared to the scores of Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer.

Only one-fifth of people say they are happy with the Prime Minister, while three-quarters are unhappy.

33% of people are happy with the leader of the Labour party, while 52% are not satisfied.

The leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Ed Davey, accidentally tumbles into the water while paddleboarding on Lake Windermere.

Some members of the Conservative Party have spoken out against Sir Ed for his unconventional activities, such as riding a bike down a street in Wales without using the pedals, baking cakes, and making jam.

"I believe that Conservatives are concerned about the interest we are generating, largely due to the fact that we are enjoying ourselves," stated the leader of the Liberal Democrats during an interview with The Standard. The interview took place on a train as he traveled from Waterloo to campaign in Wimbledon. While there, he also cleaned an ambulance.

Our approach to campaigning is unique. We don't take ourselves too seriously, but our events are bringing attention to our important policies and shining a light on the harm caused by the Conservatives.

Ed Davey - Figure 2
Photo Yahoo News UK

"When I went down the slide in Somerset, it was a blast hanging out with those kids. Despite the rain, it was a lovely day."

"However, the focus of our discussion shifted to the well-being of our children and young individuals, as the Conservatives have let them down in terms of mental health support."

I was paddling in the Lake District when I accidentally fell off my paddleboard. As I struggled in the water, I couldn't help but think about the issue of sewage pollution. The Conservatives had given permission for sewage companies to dump their dirty waste in our beautiful rivers and lakes.

The Conservative party is refusing to accept the allegations made against them by the Liberal Democrats.

Sir Ed went on a rollercoaster ride. OR Sir Ed rode a rollercoaster.

Gideon Skinner, a high-ranking member of Ipsos who focuses on politics, stated that both Ed Davey and his political party have experienced an increase in public support since the beginning of the campaign. They have been especially popular among college graduates and individuals living in the southern regions of England.

Almost 30% of people surveyed by Ipsos believe that the Liberal Democrats are running a successful campaign, and this positive perception has been growing consistently for the past month. In contrast to the 2019 election, there is now less criticism towards the party compared to when Jo Swinson was leading the Liberal Democrats.

However, they continue to struggle to increase their public visibility, and Ed Davey's approval ratings still lag behind those of other well-liked Liberal Democrat leaders such as Nick Clegg, Charles Kennedy, and Paddy Ashdown.

However, the Liberal Democrats could still have a significant impact in this election, especially in the Southern regions of England where Ipsos' MRP data indicates they are the main competition for the Conservatives.

The survey also discovered that 36 percent of people have a positive opinion of Sir Ed, while 41 percent do not.

According to the latest polls, Mr Sunak has a favourable rating of 29% while Sir Keir has a favourable rating of 34%. On the other hand, Mr Sunak has an unfavourable rating of 67% while Sir Keir has an unfavourable rating of 57%.

The latest polling data indicates that the Liberal Democrats have seen an increase of three percentage points, now standing at 11 percent. Meanwhile, Labour has dropped by one point to 42 percent, maintaining a significant lead of 23 points over the Conservatives. The Conservatives have experienced a decrease of four points, tying their joint record low of 19 percent.

Nigel Farage's Reform UK party has increased its support from nine percent to 15 percent, while the Green party has seen a decrease of two points to seven percent.

Ipsos talked to 1,402 adults in the UK who were over the age of 18 from June 21-24, 2024. Out of these, 794 shared who they planned to vote for. The information was adjusted to be representative of the whole population. Keep in mind that polls can have some mistakes. For more information, visit www.ipsos.com/en.

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