How Eamonn Holmes met his new younger girlfriend who has a VERY intriguing personal life, as...

Eamonn Holmes

Ruth Langsford is known for her cheerful and resilient personality, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. During the challenging period after her sister’s tragic death in 2019, audiences would have had no idea that she was emotionally devastated each morning before heading to the set of ITV’s daytime program, Loose Women.

The narrative has remained unchanged throughout the prolonged decline and difficult consequences following her separation from her husband Eamonn Holmes, which was made public in May of this year.

Ruth hasn't spoken out publicly and is set on maintaining her dignity. However, I’ve heard that behind closed doors, she is feeling utterly heartbroken about what has happened.

Who could blame her for feeling this way? After being in a relationship for 28 years and married for 14, along with raising their cherished son, Jack, who is now 22, her husband has moved on with a younger blonde who could easily be Ruth's daughter.

Katie Alexander, 42, walks alongside Eamonn Holmes, 64, who has dealt with back issues in recent years and relies on a mobility scooter.

The blonde relationship counselor assists the television host with his mobility scooter.

The experienced television host, aged 64, is sailing through the Mediterranean with his new partner, Katie Alexander, 42, a relationship counselor from Yorkshire. They connected on social media while still in other marriages.

Eamonn and Katie, seen together as they boarded the cruise in Barcelona over the weekend, make for an interesting pair. After undergoing a double hip replacement, back surgery, and a terrible fall down the stairs of their former home in Surrey in 2022, Eamonn faces significant mobility challenges and is unable to walk without assistance.

Divorcee Katie, who arrived wearing transparent high-heeled shoes from Zara and assisting Holmes in his wheelchair, is a mother of two teenagers and a 22-year-old.

So, who is the latest romantic interest of Eamonn?

Katie Alexander has a captivating personal life that features connections with two older men. Originally named Katie Robshaw, she was just 19 years old and employed as a shop assistant when she crossed paths with coach driver Michael Devine, who is 40 years her elder. Their relationship spanned five years, during which they welcomed a son named Ben, who is currently 22 years old.

Mr. Devine, who is 81 years old now, shared, "Although we've been apart for many years, I still see my son often—about once a week."

I catch up with Katie from time to time, but she lives in London now. I hold no grudges against her; she’s a lovely person. I genuinely wish her the best. Katie is just fantastic.

Following her separation from Devine, Katie took charge of the Barca café in Dewsbury, which unfortunately closed down in 2013. At this time, she had married George Alexander, who owned a bar, and together they welcomed a daughter in 2010 and a son in 2011. However, they parted ways in 2022. Alexander mentioned that he felt like the “luckiest man alive” when Katie said yes to his marriage proposal.

George Alexander also faced difficulties in his business ventures. His cocktail bar business, 9 5 8, was shut down in 2022, and his Artisan Bar Northern went out of business in February of the previous year. Additionally, a cleaning company he operated was dissolved through a mandatory strike-off last year, along with another venture, Izzyroc Ltd.

"I really feel for Ruth," said George, 53. "When my marriage to Katie fell apart, it truly shattered my heart. It took me a couple of years to move on from it. I understand the pain Ruth must be experiencing; she’s facing the same kind of turmoil I went through after my marriage ended. Katie has a caring side, so I’m sure she feels for Ruth as well."

George stated that Eamonn and Katie connected through social media. “She wasn’t fawning over him like he was George Clooney, but she enjoyed her time online, and one day she mentioned that she had received a message from him,” he noted.

"After she left a comment on one of his posts, Eamonn reached out to her. I have to say, I found it pretty amusing and didn't take it seriously."

George mentions that they ended their relationship on good terms and he only found out later that Katie, who is now a therapist, had been in touch with Eamonn after their marriage ended. He expressed his surprise, saying, “I didn’t expect that. Katie would often visit him. It seemed to be a consistent thing."

The situation was quite different when Ruth and Eamonn ended their relationship in May, at least in the public eye. Various reports confidently claimed that Ruth was the one who decided to end the marriage, leaving Eamonn feeling completely caught off guard by her choice.

Some people suggested that Ruth, who is 64 and in much better health than Eamonn, was reluctant to care for her sick husband.

Holmes, along with his wife Ruth, who is also 64, shared their decision to end their marriage after being together for 14 years.

The pair, who connected through social media, decided to take a cruise together.

During the TRIC (Television and Radio Industries Club) awards in June, Eamonn expressed his struggles, noting that his health was in such a bad state that he felt he was living on borrowed time.

He humorously told the crowd that he had already endured a betrayal – referring to his surgery – so why not go through another one? The suggestion was that Ruth, his wife whom he was no longer close to, had betrayed him.

What could he have intended with that statement? A former coworker suggested, “This just shows that no one feels more pity for Eamonn Holmes than he does for himself.”

However, due to his remarks, the notion emerged that Ruth had abandoned him when he needed her the most. He relocated to an apartment near Kingston, while Ruth stayed in their family home with their dog, Maggie.

Ruth faced a lot of backlash for 'leaving Eamonn,' but she hasn't commented on it at all.

(She still doesn't plan to talk.)

While Eamonn is enjoying the sunny weather in the Mediterranean with a new girlfriend, his friends are coming together to support her.

Some reports indicate that she and Eamonn worked together to end their marriage, with both parties in full agreement that their relationship had come to a close. This process took place gradually at home over several weeks in May.

His health wasn’t a factor in the decision. Ruth was, by all measures, a committed partner through both good and bad times, providing support and care for him following his accident. “Ruth was fully devoted to Eamonn and focused on helping and taking care of him,” I’ve been told.

The separation was primarily triggered by Ruth, who is often portrayed as 'very dignified' and 'elegant,' discovering her husband's interactions with Ms. Alexander. According to some sources, she may have come across messages on his laptop.

Remaining in the marriage became unbearable for her, and it's worth mentioning now that the announcement of their separation was quite cold.

Unlike Zoe Ball's joyful experience with DJ Fatboy Slim, or the amicable separation celebrated by Gwyneth Paltrow, there was no fond reminiscing or sentimental reflection in this case. Instead, the end of the marriage was announced in a very straightforward manner. Their announcement simply stated: "Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes have confirmed that their marriage has ended, and they are currently going through the divorce process."

Eamonn and Katie's connection started nine years prior to his separation from Ruth. It all kicked off in 2015 with a conversation on Twitter (now called X), where Katie responded to one of Eamonn's posts, and he replied to her comment.

It's uncertain exactly when their relationship evolved into a friendship, but sources indicate that Ruth found out that during the year leading up to their separation, Eamonn had been treating Katie to various gifts. This included joining her and her children on a trip to a safari park and giving them tickets to a Beyoncé concert.

Back in October, just eight months prior to his separation from Ruth, Eamonn made a trip to Yorkshire to hold a charity event associated with Katie’s efforts. It was quite a significant commitment for someone who was struggling with their health.

Ms. Alexander's former spouse, George, claims that she and Eamonn were frequently getting together after his marriage to Katie ended in 2022. According to some sources, she often stayed at a hotel in Surrey, just ten minutes from the Weybridge home of the Holmes-Langsford family, before they publicly revealed their separation.

Ruth's friends are unaware of the specifics, but they share that she's been enduring a tough time due to the media spotlight on her estranged husband and his new partner. Each article or photo of them together adds to her distress. Despite the heartbreak, Ruth continues to wear her wedding ring.

As things calm down now, it's worth noting that Eamonn developed a routine of making 'joking' jabs at his wife during broadcasts in the final years of their marriage.

Her friends thought the jokes weren't really that amusing, and there was also some arguing that made things awkward to watch. During a call-in segment about frustrating actions from family and friends, Eamonn mentioned that Ruth frequently left her wallet behind, forcing him to cover all the expenses. Ruth shot back, "That's not funny at all, and you know it's not true."

Ms. Alexander has been married twice before and has three kids.

Holmes stands casually by a taxi in Barcelona while waiting for their ship to set sail.

Four years ago, a debate arose about whether a certain vegetable was a swede or a turnip. Eamonn was thrilled to see the hashtag 'RuthisWrong' gain popularity on Twitter. He remarked, "Thanks for making #RuthisWrong a trending topic regarding turnips versus swedes... although that hashtag could be relevant to many of her other views too!"

Her friends felt uncomfortable and puzzled by Eamonn's apparent eagerness to belittle his wife. Ruth, however, defended him, brushing it off as just light-hearted joking.

There appeared to be real annoyance when, during a call-in segment while lockdown was happening, Ruth suggested the idea of hosting the show from home alongside Eamonn and naming it Home with Holmes. Eamonn retorted sharply, saying, "Now you’re trying to steal my name. It’s funny that you didn’t use it at the wedding, right? Suddenly Langsford doesn’t fit in anymore. You made your choice, and it’s too late to change that now."

The controversy arose when Phillip Schofield resigned from This Morning after revealing he had a relationship that, while unwise, wasn’t against the law, with a younger male employee. Eamonn proceeded to conduct several revealing interviews where he criticized Schofield and even made some comments about Schofield’s co-host, Holly Willoughby. According to friends, Eamonn’s involvement in the Schofield scandal—through his interviews denouncing his former colleague—placed Ruth in a tough situation.

During his show on GB News, Eamonn mentioned, "If you've ever kissed Phillip Schofield, we'd love to hear from you."

The day following Holly's widely ridiculed comment of "Are you OK?" — the moment she spoke to the audience of ITV’s This Morning for the first time since Schofield’s departure, saying, "First of all, are you OK? I hope you are" — Eamonn remarked about Holly, “Do you think she’ll be chatty? I guess she won’t be talking much today.”

Eamonn stated that the young man involved in the controversy had spent nights at Schofield's place on Thursdays, and would return to work on Fridays in a taxi financed by ITV. However, Schofield maintains that he only met with this person about five times, that he had only visited his apartment once, and that he did not have an ITV taxi account.

At that time, Ruth was a host on ITV’s Loose Women, and she continues to be one. By then, Holmes had already departed from ITV’s This Morning, the show he used to co-host with Ruth every Friday. It remains unclear if she ever condoned his public disrespect towards ITV.

Last month, Katie Alexander accompanied Eamonn on a trip to Belfast, and they were spotted together for four consecutive days at the affordable eatery, Papa Browns in Carrickfergus. Now, they are enjoying a late summer getaway in Europe. It appears that Eamonn is quite serious about this relationship, especially since he is a cradle Catholic and may be worried about going through another divorce. Hopefully, Katie, who charges £45 per hour for relationship counseling, can support him during this time.

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