BBC Radio 4 - The Food Programme, What Makes Food Safe? - Seven things we found out about E. coli and what makes food safe.

E. coli

The World Health Organization recently stated that an increase in E. coli cases is connected to the excessive use of antibiotics in treating people and in preventing diseases in intensively farmed animals. This has led to a concerning rise in antibiotic resistance. Sheila pointed out that this theory was proven true when the EU prohibited the use of antibiotics in animal feed in 2006. After this ban, the number of 0157 E. coli cases in the UK significantly decreased.

Environmental Factors In E. Coli Spread

Additional reasons for the increase in dangerous E. coli strains are related to the animals' diet. Sheila mentioned that animals that are fed grains tend to have more toxins in their digestive systems compared to animals raised on pastures.

In the meantime, microbiologist Professor Catherine Donnelly discusses some broader influences - for instance, medical treatments like chemotherapy affecting the immune system, which she believes we should pay more attention to. Professor Donnelly also mentions the impact of the environment. She highlights the effects of climate change and how it is leading to flooding events that are spreading pathogens to new areas they would not typically reach.

Criticism Of Raw Milk Cheeses

Even though we know which foods are most likely to cause E. coli illness, some unpasteurised dairy products, like raw milk cheeses, are still being questioned. This is sometimes done for protectionist reasons, like in the US where there are strict laws against unpasteurised products.

Some raw cheese makers are now choosing pasteurization due to concerns about outbreaks. Softer cheeses, in particular, are more vulnerable to microbes like E. coli. However, pasteurization is not always guaranteed to eliminate the risks. According to Bronwen Percival, who is the technical director at Neal's Yard Dairy, food safety issues like STEC are not just related to cheese. They can also be linked to fresh vegetables, salads, rare burgers, nut butters, and dried fruits - all of which are commonly consumed foods.

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