Karen Gillan on what makes Douglas is Cancelled ‘so relevant to so many professions’

Douglas Is Cancelled

Karen Gillan discusses her new drama "Douglas Is Cancelled" with ITVX, as well as her experiences with sexism in the workplace and getting back together with her Doctor Who castmates.

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Photo Big Issue

Karen Gillan recently discussed important topics with the Big Issue regarding the new ITV show Douglas is Cancelled. In this series, she reunites with Steven Moffat, who previously worked on Doctor Who, and her co-star Alex Kingston.

Gillan expressed that the series delves into crucial topics. It explores the challenges of being a woman in the workforce, including power structures and abuse of authority. The show portrays how women navigate these obstacles while striving to succeed in their careers.

"I absolutely loved working this job. It was like a family reunion and I felt so happy and at ease being back with everyone. I even had the chance to go shopping with Alex Kingston - it was like a special bonding moment, almost like mother and daughter! She is truly amazing, both as a person and as an actor. I have so much respect and admiration for her."

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In the new show "Douglas is Cancelled," Gillan stars alongside Hugh Bonneville from Downton Abbey. They portray news anchors Madeline Crow and Douglas Bellowes. The story unfolds as a Twitterstorm emerges after allegations surface about a misogynistic joke made by Douglas at a wedding. This puts their careers at risk as Madeline fans the flames of controversy.

Initially, Madeline may come across as cunning or strategic. However, upon getting to know her better, we discover a genuinely innocent, enthusiastic young woman who is eager to be involved in the job," Gillan explained.

"And we observe her undergo a situation that leads her to erect these defenses. We comprehend the reasons why she becomes the way she is. It has been essential for her to thrive in the work environment. I believe this applies to many workplaces. While this particular story takes place in the television industry, it is applicable to numerous other professions as well."

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Steven Moffat's writing has faced backlash for its portrayal of women. However, Karen Gillan argued that this story was important to share.

"I believe this is a significant story that needs to be shared," she expressed. "Steven has executed the storytelling exceptionally well. It is unbiased and authentic. Portraying the main female character was empowering. The film accurately depicts the challenges women face in their careers."

We should hear more of these narratives being shared, no matter who is the storyteller.

She also shared that when she first saw the script, she didn't imagine herself playing Madeline Crow on TV.

Gillan explained that Steven Moffat initially wrote it as a play and asked for feedback from some of his closest friends.

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"I was among the individuals who read the script without thinking about taking on the role of Madeline. I was captivated by the story and actively campaigned for it to be turned into a movie. I felt that this story was important and needed to be shared. And then, out of nowhere, the creator decided to adapt it into a TV show with ITV and asked me to be a part of it."

Before Douglas is Cancelled, Gillan watched an interview where Emily Maitlis spoke with Prince Andrew. She focused on studying Maitlis's interviewing style more than Prince Andrew's responses. Gillan found the interview to be very unsettling.

However, her deep admiration and affection for another broadcaster greatly influenced her performance. Even though she now resides in Los Angeles, Gillan always makes sure to watch her idol in action whenever possible.

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"Wow, Susanna Reid is absolutely amazing! I just had to say that," Gillan exclaimed. "She has really outshined the male hosts on that show. When will they be able to match her level of talent?"

Every morning, I tune in to Good Morning Britain. I believe it's because I miss home. There's just something so reassuring about it. And the stories always manage to bring tears to my eyes. We even recorded a segment for Douglas is Cancelled at the Good Morning Britain set. It was a surreal experience for me.

The show "Douglas is Cancelled" will premiere on ITVX and ITV starting on June 27. You can find the complete interview with Karen Gillan in the latest issue of The Big Issue magazine, available for purchase starting July 1.

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