Trump trial live: Jury begins deliberating in hush-money case - BBC News

Donald Trump

Kayla Epstein, Madeline Halpert, and Nada Tawfik are providing coverage of the court proceedings in New York.

Donald Trump - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

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time. The indicated schedule follows UK time.

Who Makes Up The Jury?

Twelve people from diverse backgrounds in New York are attentively seated while closely listening to every word spoken during the trial; occasionally making notes.

During the initial week of the case, the judge and attorneys from both parties had to sift through a large number of individuals residing in Manhattan to select a group of unbiased jurors - a challenging venture considering the accused is a highly controversial political figure in the United States.

However, they were successful in locating 12 individuals, along with six substitutes. The judge placed a restriction on the data that the press can disclose about the 12 in order to safeguard their identities.

We can inform you that the group is composed of seven men and five women. This includes a couple of lawyers, an MBA-holding investment banker, a security engineer residing in the West Village, and a retired wealth manager.

To gain further insight into the panel of judges, feel free to peruse additional information on them available on this platform.

Trump Condemns 'shameful' Matter

After the jury left the courtroom to begin their deliberations, Donald Trump spoke to reporters outside.

He is reiterating his typical allegations that the case lacks validity, asserting that "the entire situation is manipulated."

He is also criticizing Justice Juan Merchan, labeling him as a judge with conflicts of interest.

According to Trump, the situation is highly shameful.

Trump Exits Court Proceedings

Donald Trump exited the courtroom with a calm facial expression while a team of attorneys and companions trailed him.

It's expected that Trump will stay put in the courthouse, just like the rest of us. Justice Merchan will be busy at his desk in his office.

The press will stay inside the court and in the additional space for spectators.

Why sit around? The jury might contact us at any moment. They could present a query for the judge through a note.

Alternatively, a decision could be made.

Using Court Laptop: Answering The First Juror Query

Two members of the jury have stepped forward to handle a computer that will be utilized by the jury to examine evidence.

They made a short visit back to the courtroom to receive some guidance from the attorneys.

Shortly afterwards, they are escorted out of the court premises while holding on tightly to the laptop.

What About The Backup Jurors?

Greetings from the Big Apple! I'm currently situated in the vibrant city of New York and am excited to share my experiences with you. As I walk along the busy streets, there's a sense of energy and excitement that's hard to ignore. The tall buildings and bright lights serve as a constant reminder of the city's status as a global hub for commerce, culture, and innovation. One thing I can't help but notice is the diverse range of people around me. New York truly is a melting pot of cultures, and it's fascinating to observe how individuals from different backgrounds coexist and thrive together. One of the highlights of my trip so far has been visiting the various iconic landmarks that New York is famous for, such as the Statue of Liberty and Central Park. These landmarks have served as symbols of hope, freedom, and inspiration for generations and continue to draw countless visitors each year. Overall, I'm thoroughly enjoying my time in New York and look forward to exploring more of what the city has to offer. Stay tuned for more updates from my travels!

Remember that there are six additional jurors available if one of the initial 12 cannot continue with the trial.

Justice Merchan expressed gratitude to the six individuals for their efforts. However, they are required to remain at the court even though they are not returning with the rest of the jurors.

"You have been a part of our team for a considerable amount of time, and your dedication has been exceptional," he remarks. "Each and every one of you has shown immense interest and commitment towards this particular case."

Justice Merchan mentioned that the third alternative was discussed in numerous notebooks during the trial.

However, their duration of duty is not finished as they must continue to remain just in case they are required to substitute a juror.

Justice Merchan stated that he will endeavor to discover an activity that will hold their attention throughout a possibly extended day.

Jury Faces Daunting Task Ahead

Donald Trump saw the jury walk out of the room one after the other, but it seemed like they did not even glance at him while doing so.

The jury has been in session for a period of six weeks and has attentively heard the testimonies of 22 witnesses for hours on end.

They have reviewed numerous pieces of evidence and heard almost 11 hours of concluding arguments from both the prosecution and defense.

Currently, they need to collaborate and determine whether the information and evidence presented during the trial justify a verdict of guilty or not guilty for ex-president Donald Trump.

It's uncertain how much time the jury will take to reach a decision, but this will most likely be one of the most tense and nail-biting waits for a verdict in recent times.

The Jury's Verdict: What's At Stake?

After the judge provided the jury with their guidelines, they have commenced the process of discussing and deciding on Donald Trump's destiny. Let's consider the potential outcomes:

The expectations of specialists are not unanimous. However, they do have a common understanding that jury decisions can be hard to anticipate.

Winning The Case Means Persuading The Jurors

Donald Trump can avoid being convicted if even just one juror believes he is innocent.

There are several factors that could potentially hinder the progress of the prosecution's case. One of these is the reliability of Michael Cohen, who is a significant witness in the case but has also been found guilty of a crime.

The prosecutors must prove to the jury that Trump’s business records have connections to an ultimate aim of impacting the 2016 election.

According to Diane Kiesel, a former prosecutor in Manhattan and a judge in the New York Supreme Court, jury members can be difficult to predict.

According to her, it only requires an individual to conclude that the prosecutors failed to meet their obligation. The prosecutors, on the other hand, must convince 12 people.

Merchan Wraps Up Jury Instructions

The group sat attentively for over sixty minutes as the magistrate meticulously reviewed essential law terminologies and the responsibilities that the accusers are required to fulfill.

Justice Merchan announces that you are about to start your active role as a juror.

He instructs the jury to inform him if they have queries by dispatching a signed memo indicating their juror identifier to the magistrate.

At present, he has summoned the attorneys to approach the judge's stand.

Trump is seated by himself at the defense table, observing the individuals present.

Group Discussion Only: No Phones, One Room, One Topic

Justice Merchan has stated that the members of the jury will remain confined to a jury room, with no permission to exit aside from scheduled breaks.

The individuals must surrender their mobile devices to court officials and communicate only with one another regarding the trial.

It's important that everyone participates in the case discussion altogether to ensure no crucial details are missed.

After Verdict, What's Next?

Justice Merchan is reviewing the process for when the jury has reached a verdict.

According to the speaker, all the members of the jury will be requested to return to the courtroom.

Next, the person in charge of the jury will be requested to declare the decision for all 34 allegations.

Each juror must agree that the verdict is valid.

"Jury Urged To Listen By Judge"

Justice Merchan tells the group of people who will decide the fate of a defendant that they need to agree unanimously on their decision.

He motivates the members of the jury to "pay attention to one another" and "evaluate each other's opinions thoughtfully".

In order to come to an agreement, it is important for individuals to discuss and consider different viewpoints without compromising their own beliefs or opinions.

He advises them to remain receptive when conversing with other jury members regarding the case.

Justice Merchan is providing the members of the jury with significant explanations.

He explains to them the meaning of intent, which is having a deliberate intention or aim to commit a crime or to achieve an illegal outcome.

In contrast, the motive is the explanation for why an individual decides to participate in unlawful behavior.

The jury may take into account the presence or absence of a motive, although it is not mandatory for prosecutors to demonstrate one when presenting a case.

Judge Defines Second Alleged Crime

While in trial, the prosecution has accused Donald Trump of potentially concealing or committing multiple crimes through the tampering of business records.

They didn't concentrate on any specific one.

Justice Merchan has made it clear today that the supposed second offense pertained to breaching the election interference ruling of New York State's election laws.

Crowd Protests Outside Courthouse

Live from the courthouse premises

As the jury prepares to start their deliberations, a group of several dozen demonstrators and a lesser amount of individuals supporting the opposing viewpoint have congregated outside the Manhattan criminal court building.

During the trial, there have been few people in attendance. However, there has been a slight increase in numbers compared to past weeks, although it still cannot be considered a large gathering.

The individuals who are devoted to supporting Trump continue to be an interesting group of people. They express their enthusiasm by displaying flags, banners, and their famous MAGA hats.

More security measures are being taken into consideration, and we observed an increase in the number of barricades being put up yesterday. Furthermore, there is a noticeable presence of law enforcement officers in the area.

Judge Reviews All Accusations

Justice Merchan is currently examining each of the 34 allegations separately.

The writer clarifies that the initial accusation pertains to a document connected to Michael Cohen's compensation for a confidentiality fee given to Stormy Daniels.

The prosecution team needs to provide evidence that clearly shows that Donald Trump, either by himself or with the help of another person, deliberately altered a business document with the intention to deceive others. It's important that this proof is convincing and eliminates any doubts that may arise.

The individuals involved in the case need to demonstrate that the accused had a purposeful intention to deceive and cheat, which also involved an intention to perpetrate a different illegal act.

If it is determined by the judges that the prosecutors have successfully substantiated both components to a considerable extent, then Trump will need to be found accountable for the accusation.

In case the group of people who are responsible for deciding the verdict, called the jury, come to the conclusion that the prosecution did not adequately demonstrate one or both aspects to the extent that a neutral person could believe it without any doubt, then they are obligated to deem him innocent of this particular accusation.

NY's Tax Laws In The Spotlight

According to prosecutors, Donald Trump attempted to hide his involvement in breaking New York tax laws- This counts as his third crime.

These legislations make it unlawful to create fraudulent tax documents.

The prosecutors claim that Trump's motive for doing so was because he considered Michael Cohen's reimbursement as part of his income, which subjected him to taxation.

Prosecutors claim that in this instance the individual paid more taxes than necessary, which can also result in illegal activity.

Second Crime Law: What You Need To Know

Justice Merchan is elucidating a crucial aspect of the prosecutor's argument to the jurors. The accusation leveled against Trump is that he manipulated official business documents in order to conceal a separate illegal act.

He tells them a crucial message: the prosecution doesn't necessarily have to demonstrate that the other offense was actually carried out.

He guides them on the initial wrongdoing among a series of many others that prosecutors claim occurred, which involves breaking election regulations.

The legal system prohibits individuals from plotting to advance or hinder the candidacy of someone through illegal methods.

Justice Merchan is currently clarifying the accusation against Trump for falsely altering business records at the most severe level.

According to his explanation, in accordance with the laws of New York, an individual can be held responsible for this offense if they purposefully fabricate or are responsible for an inaccurate record in a corporate setting with the intention of committing another unlawful act or helping to conceal or execute a second offense.

According to him, as long as there is a purposeful attempt to cheat someone or something, it is enough.

How To Convict Trump: Judge's Insights

Justice Merchan has reiterated to the jury that they should keep in mind that there are 34 charges of falsifying business records being considered.

He mentions that the law in New York acknowledges that a group of people can collaborate to perform a criminal act, and one of them can be held accountable for the criminal deeds of the others.

This instruction is important because Trump didn't always complete the invoices, cheques, and ledgers related to this case.

On the other hand, the prosecuting team contends that he was responsible for fabricating the inaccurate documentation.

The judge emphasizes to the jury that simply being present at the location where the crime occurred or merely having a connection to the incident does not automatically hold the accused person responsible for the crime.

The judge stated that in order for Trump to be found guilty without any doubts, there needs to be proof that he either asked, advised, praised or actively helped the individual to perform the act.

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