‘I am a rapist just like all the others in this room,’ says Frenchman accused of mass rape of wife | CNN

Dominique Pelicot

Dominique Pelicot confessed to drugging his wife and enlisting multiple individuals to assault her over a span of almost ten years. He pleaded for his family's forgiveness during a court hearing in France on Tuesday, stating, “I am a rapist.”

Dominique Pelicot - Figure 1
Photo CNN

Pelicot's court hearing, which is at the heart of one of France's most notable criminal cases in recent years, was postponed last week because of his poor health.

He is facing several allegations, including rape, group sexual assault, and violations of privacy related to the recording and sharing of explicit images.

Pelicot showed up in court using a cane on Tuesday morning and communicated with the judge via a microphone. His attorney mentioned that he was on strong medication and was permitted to take breaks to rest during the day.

"I am guilty of the same crime as everyone else here," he admitted. He went on to say, "I want my wife, my kids, and my grandkids to know how sorry I am. I deeply regret my actions and seek your forgiveness, even if it may never be granted."

The incident has astonished the nation and sparked widespread demonstrations across the country in support of his wife Gisele and in opposition to male sexual violence.

Dominique Pelicot shared with the court that he had a tough childhood and had also experienced sexual assault himself. Reportedly, he became emotional and cried during his testimony, as covered by French media.

Gisele Pelicot was present in the courtroom while he testified, and spectators applauded her as she exited during the breaks.

She firmly demanded a public trial to reveal the truth about her husband and the other men charged with her rape, transforming her into an emblem of the fight against sexual violence in France.

"For five decades, I shared my life with a man I never thought could commit such acts of violence," she stated.

Gisele Pelicot initiated the process of her divorce following discussions with investigators regarding the case.

When one of the lawyers asked him if he believes he can reconcile with his ex-partner, Pelicot replied, “Having hope is crucial. Without it, everything is lost... I went through a lot emotionally. It’s partly because of her that I was able to move past those difficult times in my life.”

Prosecutors have stated that Dominique Pelicot, who was first detained for recording a woman without her consent in a supermarket, attempted to arrange sexual encounters with his wife through a site called Coco, and recorded the incidents of abuse.

Alongside Dominique Pelicot, 50 additional men, aged between 26 and 73, are facing trial for rape in Avignon, a city in the south. Pelicot has claimed that a total of 72 men were involved in the mistreatment of his ex-wife.

Some of the accused acknowledged their wrongdoing to the authorities, while others claimed they thought they were fulfilling a fantasy for a couple and insisted that Gisele Pelicot had actually agreed to engage in sexual activity.

"When they arrived, they seemed to have all the answers. They were fully aware of how things would unfold even before the discussions began," Pelicot remarked.

"I aim to show that my wife was a victim and not involved in any wrongdoing. I want to demonstrate that she had no awareness of what was happening at all."

According to a court document, investigators discovered 300 images and a video depicting the incidents, which they organized into folders, one of which was labeled "Abuse."

Gisele Pelicot informed the investigators that she had been experiencing gaps in her memory and had sought advice from a gynecologist due to unspecified discomfort.

The trial is scheduled to continue until December. If the defendants are convicted, they could potentially receive a prison sentence of up to 20 years.

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