Cabinet reshuffle live: Cameron in shock return, Cleverly moves to home secretary, Atkins to health - BBC News

David Cameron

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David Cameron - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

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New Paymaster General: John Glen

The news has recently come out that John Glen, previously the main secretary at the Treasury, is going to take over as the paymaster general for the government.

Laura Trott has been named as Glen's successor for the second highest position in the Treasury.

Glen's latest role involves working as a financial service provider for various government agencies.

He also holds the responsibility of disbursing approximately 430,000 pensions for public service employees, which covers individuals working in governmental, educational, and medical sectors.

Atkins Switches Spending Stance

What information do we have regarding Victoria Atkins, the latest Secretary of State responsible for Health and Social Care in England?

Ironically, she has arrived as the financial secretary in the Treasury just a year after the Chancellor refused to grant NHS England's request for a sum of £1 billion to compensate for the expenses of covering the rota gaps created during the doctors' strikes.

Instead, it's expected that the Treasury will only contribute approximately £100 million. The healthcare leaders have already issued a caution that less important medical care will be reduced due to the monetary constraints.

Moving to the opposing perspective, Atkins will now face the outcomes resulting from the choices made in the Treasury department.

At the same time, the English government's plan to address obesity is facing some setbacks, as actions aimed at regulating the advertisement of unhealthy food are currently on pause.

Atkins needs to be cautious because her spouse holds a prominent position in the sugar sector.

"Big By-election Losses Threaten Survival Of Hands"

As stated in our previous article, Richard Holden has taken over the position of Conservative Party chairman, succeeding Greg Hands.

Holden ought to be familiar with party headquarters - he used to work there as a party official.

The alteration of boundaries has resulted in him not yet securing a position for himself in the upcoming election, despite supporting his colleagues in their re-election campaigns.

It's possible that Greg Hands, the person who had the job before, couldn't cope with the major setbacks in the by-elections against both the Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Determining if dissimilar staff would have affected the outcomes is not an easy task.

Can MPs Grill David Cameron?

David Lammy, the shadow foreign secretary, has asserted that the new foreign secretary, who is the former prime minister David Cameron, cannot be held accountable by the MPs.

Many MPs won't have the opportunity to ask Cameron questions directly in the House of Commons as he will be sitting in the House of Lords.

Instead, the department's junior ministers will be the ones representing him in the House of Commons.

In spite of everything, Members of Parliament will have the opportunity to inquire through written queries. Additionally, Cameron will present himself before hand-picked groups of MPs.

It's not uncommon for individuals in the House of Lords to have served in ministerial roles.

Nicky Morgan took on the role of Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in December of 2019 after being appointed from the House of Lords.

During the Labour rule, Lord Mandelson was appointed as the Business Secretary while Lord Adonis held the position of the Department for Transport.

It has been a while since the foreign secretary was a part of the Lords, which was around the years of 1979 to 1982 with Lord Carrington holding the position.

Cameron's Comeback Reignites Greensill Scandal Memories

When Rishi Sunak selected David Cameron for a high-ranking government position, he overlooked the fact that Cameron was closely linked to one of the largest financial controversies in the United Kingdom's recent history.

In the past two years, an investigation by BBC Panorama disclosed confidential records that indicated Cameron earned approximately $10 million (£8.2 million) by travelling worldwide to endorse a finance firm called Greensill Capital, which raised significant controversy.

In March 2021, Greensill experienced a collapse. Its boss, Lex Greensill, who had a scandalous reputation, had been given an office in Downing Street during Cameron's time as prime minister. Later on, he served as both Cameron's friend and employer.

Investors have lost billions of dollars, and there are ongoing criminal investigations in Germany and Switzerland regarding suspected fraud involving Greensill.

Previously, Greensill refuted the accusations made by Members of Parliament on the Commons Treasury Committee in 2021 regarding his finance company's collapse being a "fraud" or similar to a "Ponzi scheme." Instead, he attributed the company's downfall to the insurance providers who withdrew their coverage.

Speaker Vows To Hold Cameron Accountable

The Parliament's Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, recently promised that the new foreign secretary will be examined by MPs.

Lord Cameron, formerly known as David Cameron, will not be present in the House of Commons like past foreign secretaries.

Sir Lindsay has stated that he consulted with the clerks and is eager to learn about the government's suggestions concerning how the foreign secretary can be answerable to MPs in an appropriate way.

I want to make it clear that I understand how important it is for the members of the house to have the power to question the government on this issue, particularly during these times.

"I will put in all my effort to make sure that we can accomplish that."

"George Freeman Resigns As Science Minister"

Science minister George Freeman has written a letter to the Prime Minister stating that he is resigning from his position with great sadness.

According to Freeman, it's time for him to concentrate on taking care of his physical health, the happiness of his loved ones, and his personal life beyond his political career.

Laura Trott Appointed As Treasury Chief Secretary

Laura Trott has just been chosen as the new chief secretary to the Treasury, taking over from Conservative member John Glen.

The highest-ranking position in the Treasury, right after the chancellor, is called the second-most senior post.

Today, Trott has ceased to be Rishi Sunak's pensions minister. The implications of Trott's departure on Glen are still unknown.

Challenging Period For Health Secretary

The incoming health secretary is going to have a lot on their plate. Victoria Atkins is set to take charge during a crucial period when it comes to discussions about the salaries of medical professionals.

This year in England, there have been strikes by junior doctors and consultants that have resulted in the cancellation of a large number of surgeries and appointments. The progress of the industrial action has been halted and talk sessions are currently taking place.

Discussions between healthcare authorities and the British Medical Association (BMA), the union representing doctors, are currently in a delicate phase.

We know that there has been some headway in the talks with the advisors, however, we are not as informed about the negotiations with the less-experienced medical professionals.

Steve Barclay had thoroughly familiarized himself with the specifics - the next person in his position will have to become knowledgeable expeditiously.

In addition to that problem, the recently appointed health secretary is entering the scene during a time where there is increasing stress with the upcoming winter season. Certain hospital leaders are cautioning about additional intense obstacles.

Recent statistics for England in October revealed the most subpar achievement in A&E this entire year.

Victoria Atkins Named New Health Secretary

There's a fresh face in the role of health secretary as Victoria Atkins takes over from Steve Barclay, who's moving on to become the environment secretary.

So far, Atkins had been the financial secretary to the Treasury, which is a position she's maintained ever since Rishi Sunak became the Treasury Secretary last October.

At the conclusion of a year that has seen healthcare professionals protest over an ongoing disagreement with the government regarding their salaries, Atkins assumes responsibility.

New Party Chairman Announced Soon

The Conservative party has announced that Richard Holden, who was in the past a minister for transport, has now been appointed as their chair.

We haven't received any updates on whether Greg Hands, the former chairman, has taken on a new position.

Steve Barclay Now Environment Secretary

As we recently informed, Health Secretary Steve Barclay was spotted arriving at 10 Downing Street.

The appointment of the new environment secretary has been finalized and he will take over from Therese Coffey.

Other News: Latest Updates And Developments

Here are a few of the actions that you could have overlooked:

We are yet to receive any updates on significant Cabinet members, such as Health Secretary Steve Barclay who was observed entering No 10 earlier.

The prime minister has had a hectic day so far, and there's still more to come.

In case you missed it or need a quick summary, this is a rundown of the major changes made by Rishi Sunak in his reshuffle.

Tory MP Targets Sunak With Football Post

In a recent post on X, Conservative politician Simon Clarke appeared to be voicing his disapproval of Rishi Sunak's recent reshuffle.

Clarke, who backs Liz Truss, posted a message regarding Gareth Southgate's choice to leave Raheem Sterling out of the England team.

He expressed his opinion by stating, "The manager's selections were quite debatable to say the least."

It's not a good idea to have limited choices on the right side of the team as it could result in an uneven balance within the squad.

Downing Street Welcomes More Newcomers

Many people are arriving at Downing Street in a quick and busy manner...

Recently, Laura Trott, who holds the position of pensions minister, and Victoria Atkins, who is the financial secretary to the Treasury, were spotted outside the residence of the Prime Minister known as No. 10.

Just a quick recall - this gives a hint, but it's not a verification, that their responsibilities could be shifting.

Cameron's Hiring: Pros And Cons

David Cameron has taken on the position of foreign secretary and is well-respected in the political sphere. However, he also has some issues from his past that may cause trouble.

The members of the opposition party have expressed their disapproval towards the involvement of the new foreign secretary in the Greensill lobbying issue. Additionally, they are dissatisfied with the fact that they will not be able to thoroughly examine the actions of the foreign secretary in the parliament.

Eurosceptic members of the Conservative Party are not particularly happy either.

Cameron has also brought along his past foreign policy experiences during his tenure at 10 Downing Street.

He is the individual who organized the Brexit vote, advocated for an improved partnership with China, and supported military intervention in Libya, resulting in a state that is on the brink of failure.

However, he also carries a significant amount of political influence. Despite being the fourth foreign secretary to hold the position within the past four years, he has established a reputation on the global platform.

Can the ex-Prime Minister use his unquestionable political influence to change the United Kingdom's stance on foreign affairs?

He has been a supporter of Israel for a while, but he has also been open and honest about being critical in the past.

He made it a law that the United Kingdom would consistently allocate 0.7% of its national income towards foreign aid. However, Rishi Sunak reduced this obligation to 0.5%.

Cameron's new job as a cabinet member has both advantages and drawbacks. A previous UK Prime Minister, Lord Rosebery, expressed concerns over the short-lived and risky benefits of having a former PM in the cabinet.

The truth about whether it is actually so, will soon be revealed to Rishi Sunak, the Conservative Party, and the entire nation.

Jeremy Quin, Paymaster General, Steps Down

There's been another change in the government. Jeremy Quin, who held the position of Paymaster General, has stepped down from his role.

On a certain date, he wrote a message stating that Rishi Sunak provided him with the confidence that he can still work for the government.

He announced that he will be taking a break from other responsibilities in order to focus on serving his Horsham constituency.

"Braverman's Dismissal A Mistake," Says Rees-Mogg

Ex-minister Jacob Rees-Mogg believes that Rishi Sunak's choice to dismiss Suella Braverman is an error.

The Member of Parliament, who is now working as a presenter for GB News, shares that Suella comprehended the perspective of the British electorate and is making an effort to take action.

However, he does offer positive remarks regarding Rishi Sunak's selection as the foreign secretary.

David Cameron made a mistake when it came to the Brexit matter within the Conservative Party and the entire nation that voted in favor of leaving. However, he did allow us the opportunity to have a say by conducting the vote.

If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have been able to hold that referendum. He's an exceedingly intelligent and skilled person.

Minister Fired As Badenoch Regrets Housing Situation

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The housing minister, Rachel Maclean, has been removed from her position in a reshuffle overseen by Rishi Sunak.

On X, the MP for Redditch released a message expressing her dissatisfaction with the update.

The person in charge of business, Kemi Badenoch, has expressed remorse over the departure of Maclean. She has conveyed her apology on the matter.

"You did a wonderful job as a minister," Badenoch pens.

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