Rylan's new naked dating show has a Love Island problem

Dating Naked

Every new contestant entering the Love Island villa must go through producers, who are hidden behind plants, turning on slow-motion to show us the new arrival in detail. The show Dating Naked on Paramount+ has a similar dramatic entrance with slow-mo shots, but here participants strip off all their clothes to give us a clear view.

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Even though they tried to hide it with strategic signs and editing, there is nudity everywhere in this place. The women have long hair that partially covers their chests, but other than that, they are fully exposed. The only thing they wear is a chunky turquoise necklace to keep their microphone in place.

This show combines elements of Love Island and Naked Attraction, and is hosted by Rylan Clark, a well-loved TV personality. He jokes about being dressed too formally before introducing the contestants. His commentary is gentle and calming, and he doesn't make fun of the contestants for being naked. It's less like Iain Stirling's style and more reminiscent of the relaxed atmosphere of the Great British Bake Off.

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Photo digitalspy.com

If it wasn't for the lack of clothing, this show would be similar enough to Love Island to make you question how Paramount+ managed to produce it without any legal issues. It's like the feeling you get when you walk through the aisles of specific grocery stores.

Instead of people from the island, they are singles looking for love. Instead of a gathering spot with flames, there's a spot where contestants are sent home. The day starts with exercise sessions, but the guys can't help but laugh as their bodies touch the ground during push-ups.

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Photo digitalspy.com

It may take some time to adjust to the setting. The confessionals can be quite startling, especially for women. They sit calmly with their legs crossed, hair flowing like a mermaid's, surrounded by strategically placed throw pillows. On the other hand, the men sit with their legs wide apart, almost as if they are preparing for a medical examination under the bright fluorescent lights.

However, being naked can also be funny. As the girls prepare for a night out in their dressing room – a quicker process without having to choose outfits – they wonder about what the boys are doing to get ready. In a scene reminiscent of a movie, we quickly switch to the boys jumping around their bedroom, spinning their penises like helicopters.

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Photo digitalspy.com

Similar to Love Island, the dates are comically simple: bursting balloons filled with confetti, sipping brightly colored cocktails from plastic cups. The highlight is a Lady Godiva-inspired horseback ride where the couples wear helmets and shoes, but nothing else. A fully clothed Spanish horse handler observes with a subtle smirk.

The Dating Naked mansion is possibly a step up from the previous location in Majorca, with stunning views of the ocean instead of boring farmland, all in an effort to keep the plot twists a surprise for the locals. Instead of using text messages, they have a unique communication system called Radio Rylan, which crackles to life to share important messages.

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Photo digitalspy.com

Some of the storylines are sadly common, even though there are glimpses of uniqueness. The guys are drawn to the slender, blond, white Lauren, while the only Black woman, Vegas dancer Chrislove, is struggling to find a potential match after two episodes. The darker side of dating portrayed on the show is not easily forgotten, as it reflects real-life issues that are often overlooked.

The diverse range of body shapes on the show is a positive aspect, as it includes honest discussions about insecurities. Prior to entering the precarious seats on the cliff, several of the men vocalize concerns about their size. Romeo, whose father is a pastor, admits, "I’m a grower not a show-er." He also reflects on how Adam and Eve discovered love while naked.

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Photo digitalspy.com

Thinking about it, does being nude make a difference in the dating and mating world? The participants argue that taking off their clothes will make them more honest and exposed, but after watching the two episodes, it seems like nonsense.

What happens is that it removes any false beliefs that the individuals are interested in anything more than just physical appearance. Personal trainer Dan is asked what he likes in a partner and only mentions superficial qualities like "nice eyebrows, eyelashes, incredible lips." The first new person to arrive creates tension among the current women because she is complimented for her physical attributes like a "great body, great bum", which they notice right away.

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Photo digitalspy.com

This is the moment when things start to resemble Naked Attraction, where potential partners are chosen from a group as if they were pieces of meat at a butcher shop. When someone's physical attributes are so obvious, it might be difficult to pretend that you have a stronger connection with one person over another.

However, on the other hand, when emotions run high in relationships, being vulnerable can make a difficult situation even more intense. In a tense moment between Emily and Billy, Emily retreats to the safety of their bed to have a heartfelt conversation. It is important to note that the participants on the reality show receive both emotional support and follow strict hygiene guidelines.

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Photo digitalspy.com

We recognize that Dating Naked is crazy but very entertaining. It's difficult to imagine what direction reality TV will go in next to surprise us. Maybe participants will be required to ingest the cameras.

You can watch Dating Naked on Paramount+ by streaming it online.

Before, Rebecca was a television reporter at The Mirror. Now, she writes insightful analysis of TV shows for Digital Spy. When she's not doing that, she can be heard discussing the newest seasons of popular shows like Bridgerton and The White Lotus on the BBC or Times Radio. She also shares her thoughts on the drama happening in the Love Island villas.

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Photo digitalspy.com

When she's not watching a lot of episodes of a TV series, you might see Rebecca at events like the National TV Awards and BAFTAs, as well as making videos to discuss reality TV shows we all enjoy.

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Photo digitalspy.com
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