Daisy May Cooper thanks Gloucester staff after baby born early

Daisy may Cooper

"Daisy May Cooper Lauds Staff For Premature Birth."

The video posted on Instagram depicts her conversing with Benji in the specialized ward.

The popular Country singer Daisy May Cooper expressed her admiration for the tremendously skilled medical personnel at Gloucester's delivery suite following the premature arrival of her newborn. In her heartfelt message, she referred to the staff as "superstars."

Ms Cooper was filmed on Instagram being wheeled to see her newborn baby Benji, who was born on Thursday and is receiving care in a specialized NICU ward.

She expressed her gratitude towards the delivery team, stating that she was unable to thank them enough. She acknowledged the team's exceptional care during a challenging period.

"Hello there, sweet Benji. You have entered this world," she concluded with a chuckle.

The female performer greeted Benji in her social media message - referring to him as a "crazy person."

The third offspring of the actress and writer has come to the world, as she already bore two children in her previous marriage.

In the recording, she greeted Benji by saying, "Hello there, are you doing well? Ah, you look lovely."

Between 2017 and 2020, Ms Cooper created and acted in a comedic television show titled This Country that is set in the Cotswolds region and focuses on the lifestyle of a small village's residents.

Afterwards, she starred in the TV series The Witchfinder and participated in multiple panel shows, as well as being a guest on the BBC's Uncanny podcast where she discussed topics related to ghostly and supernatural experiences.

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