Daisy May Cooper thanks Gloucester staff after baby born early

Daisy may Cooper

Daisy May Cooper Lauds Staff For Premature Birth

The image used in this section was provided by Daisy May Cooper.

The video on Instagram displays her conversing with Benji inside the specialized department.

Daisy May Cooper, who's a famous Country star, has praised the staff at Gloucester's delivery suite by calling them "superstars" for their exceptional work as her newborn arrived sooner than expected.

Ms Cooper shared a video on Instagram where she is seen being wheeled to visit her newborn baby boy, Benji, who was born on Thursday and is currently receiving specialized care at the NICU unit.

The woman expressed her gratitude to the delivery team by saying that she could not thank them enough for taking care of her and her family during such a frightening time. She added that their care and assistance was exceptional.

"Hello there sweet Benji, you little rascal," she remarked.

The picture was taken by Daisy May Cooper.

The female performer warmly greeted Benji in her online communication, affectionately referring to him as a "crazy person."

The woman who works in films and creates stories has given birth to her third kid. She's already had two with her former spouse.

On the footage, she greeted Benji and asked: "Hey there, how are you feeling? Wow, you look stunning."

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