Instant analysis of the presidential debate with CNN experts | CNN Politics


Authored by Kaitlan Collins, Kasie Hunt, Phil Mattingly, Abby Phillip, Fredreka Schouten, and Jeff Zeleny, the blog post discusses...

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Last Updated at almost 1 AM in the early morning of Friday, June 28, 2024.

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Verifying the information presented in the CNN presidential debate

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Latest news: Biden and Trump are exchanging insults at the CNN presidential debate. Stay tuned for more updates.

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Check out the rushed transcript of the debate between Biden and Trump.

Find out who had the most and least speaking time at the presidential debate.

Verifying information from the CNN debate for the president

Key points from the CNN debate between Biden and Trump In a recent debate hosted by CNN, Democratic candidate Joe Biden faced off against incumbent President Donald Trump. The event provided viewers with a glimpse into the candidates' policies and plans for the future. Here are some of the main takeaways from the debate: 1. COVID-19 response: Both candidates discussed their plans for handling the ongoing pandemic. Biden emphasized the importance of following science and implementing widespread testing and contact tracing. Trump defended his administration's response, stating that the virus was under control. 2. Healthcare: The candidates clashed on their healthcare policies, with Biden advocating for expanding the Affordable Care Act and Trump pushing for a repeal and replacement approach. The issue of pre-existing conditions also sparked heated debate. 3. Racial justice: The Black Lives Matter movement and racial inequality were prominent topics during the debate. Biden outlined his plans for police reform and combating systemic racism, while Trump defended his record and emphasized law and order. 4. Economy: Both candidates discussed their plans for revitalizing the economy in the wake of the pandemic. Biden stressed the need for targeted relief for small businesses and working families, while Trump highlighted his administration's pre-pandemic economic successes. Overall, the debate provided voters with valuable insights into the policy differences between the two candidates, helping them make informed decisions come election day.

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Listen to Biden and Trump discuss who has had a bigger impact on the economy at 3:55.

Trump answers a question about his promise to target political opponents 3:16

CNN Election Center Highlights

Share your thoughts on which candidate you think will come out victorious in the upcoming presidential election.

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Discover all the key dates you need to be aware of for the upcoming election.

Here is a list of all the potential candidates running for president in 2024.

Voting Guide: Discover the regulations and your polling location

Where To Learn More?

In the latest edition of the newsletter from America

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David Axelrod's podcast, The Axe Files.

In the CNN Political Briefing podcast, the host delves into the latest political news and updates in a concise and informative manner. The podcast covers a range of topics, from breaking news to in-depth analysis of current events. Listeners can stay informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings in the political world through this podcast. With expert guests and insightful commentary, the CNN Political Briefing podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in politics.

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