Topsoe's 2040 Net Zero Target Approved By SBTi

Carbon neutrality

Topsoe wants to reduce carbon emissions. They have a plan to reach "Net Zero" by 2040. The Science Based Targets initiative says this plan is good. This is a group that helps companies set reasonable goals for reducing greenhouse gases.

Topsoe has approval for their near-term and long-term targets along with their overall Net Zero target.

The company wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2030. This will be based on the emissions from the year 2020. They also want 100% of their electricity to come from renewable sources by 2030. In 2020, they did not use any renewable electricity.

By 2027, 74% of its suppliers must have science-based targets for emissions across various areas.

Topsoe aims to lower their Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 95% from 2030 to 2040. This is based on a 2020 baseline. Their goal for Scope 3 emissions is to decrease them by 90% by 2040.

The CEO of Topsoe is happy the company got approval for decarbonisation. This is a big step for the company. They want to lead the way in using cleaner energy, and reduce emissions from all parts of their business.

Our goal is to reach Net Zero before the Paris Agreement targets.

The company got a top score for sustainability. EcoVadis Ratings gave them a Platinum rating. It happened in December 2022. They worked hard to cut down on emissions.

The SBTi partners with CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI, and WWF.

The group runs the Business Ambition for 1.5C drive. The initiative involves a UN agency, business and industry experts. Their mission is to encourage companies to create Net Zero goals. These targets should align with a 1.5C future. It's an urgent call to action.

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