Tories accused of desperate new low as Johnson returns at 11th hour to save campaign

Boris Johnson

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Boris Johnson is asking voters to support the Conservatives at the last minute, attending a rally with Rishi Sunak just two days before the election.

Boris Johnson - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

The ex-leader of the government answered a plea for assistance from Mr Sunak and delivered a talk to the party supporters on Tuesday evening. However, critics labeled the action as a "desperate and extreme measure" as the Conservative party tries to boost support right before election day on Thursday.

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In his speech, Mr Johnson criticized Sir Keir Starmer and his Labour party, cautioning against the idea of a Labour supermajority filled with potential problems. He also advised Conservative supporters who are considering voting for Nigel Farage's Reform UK to reconsider, calling Farage a "Kremlin crawler".

During a 10-minute talk, his initial in-person appearance of the election campaign, Mr. Johnson stated: "If you think you have some extra money to spare, then choose to support the Labour Party on Thursday."

"If you support limitless immigration, mandatory political correctness, and unnecessary submission to Brussels, then feel free to do so and vote for Starmer."

He stated that we cannot just stand by while a Labour government with a strong majority plans to dismantle many of the accomplishments we have made.

Boris Johnson - Figure 2
Photo The Independent

Mr. Sunak expressed deep gratitude to his predecessor for finally attending and showing support for the Tory campaign, but they did not appear together on stage during the event.

In the speech, Mr Johnson mentioned Mr Sunak only briefly and mainly concentrated on cautioning about the rivals of the Tories rather than highlighting the party's accomplishments in office.

The deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, Daisy Cooper, characterized Mr. Johnson's presence as a "desperate and unprecedented decline" for Mr. Sunak's campaign.

She expressed that this is disrespectful to all those who made difficult sacrifices during the pandemic.

Rishi Sunak has reached a new level of desperation by seeking assistance from a man who tarnished the reputation of the prime minister's office and repeatedly deceived the country.

"It's time to get rid of this exhausted and corrupted Conservative party, and choose Liberal Democrat MPs who will fight for their neighborhoods."

Mr. Johnson, who guided the Conservative Party to a resounding win in 2019 over a Labour Party headed by Jeremy Corbyn, addressed excited supporters by saying, "Trying to change things will not make a difference in this election other than bringing in the most liberal Labour government since the war with a large majority, and we cannot allow that to occur."

Boris Johnson - Figure 3
Photo The Independent

Don't allow Putin's supporters to influence Corbyn's followers. Don't let Putin's loyal followers spread disease throughout the country by associating with pet parrots. Psittacosis is a real danger when getting too close to these birds.

Mr Johnson said that the only course of action is to vote Conservative on Thursday. He expressed confidence that his friends will also choose to do so.

The ex-leader of the country also stated that we can now manage our borders independently, all because of Brexit. He thanked the audience for their contribution in making it happen.

He showed up at one of the last events for the Conservative Party before the polling stations open on Thursday.

Mr Sunak spoke to the audience following Mr Johnson, praising the "united Conservative family" and stating that only 130,000 voters could potentially prevent his party from experiencing the anticipated losses.

Speaking at the gathering, the Prime Minister exclaimed, "It's wonderful to see our Conservative community come together, my fellow supporters!"

Mr Sunak stated that many believe the outcome of the election is already decided, but he disagrees.

Boris Johnson - Figure 4
Photo The Independent

Only 130,000 individuals changing their vote and showing us their backing is all that is needed to prevent Labour from achieving the supermajority they desire. Each and every vote is important.

On Tuesday, Sir Keir Starmer dismissed any speculation that he will secure a major win for his party during his latest campaign stops.

He said to the advocates: "Many believe that polls can foresee what will happen in the future, but that is not accurate. Each vote is important, and must be earned. In areas like this one, the outcome may be decided by just a few hundred votes one way or the other. Therefore, those seeking change should not become complacent and think that the outcome is a sure thing. Every vote matters."

"It is not finished yet."

Keir is planning to travel to England, Wales, and Scotland on the last day of campaigning. He believes the country is facing many challenges and needs significant changes. He thinks that if he is elected, he will have a lot of work to do. He emphasizes the importance of having strong support from the people to carry out his plans effectively.

It is important for the country to truly desire this change and for everyone to be willing to accept that this is the change we want. This will give a clear mandate to the government to make the necessary changes and show that the people have asked for it, so they need to act on it.

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