Boris Johnson puts up united front with Rishi Sunak to warn against 'disaster' of Labour government

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has made his debut in the Conservative election campaign by cautioning voters against choosing a Labour government on July 4th.

Boris Johnson - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

The ex-leader of the country spoke to a crowd in downtown London and expressed concerns that a possible Labour government under Sir Keir Starmer's leadership would undo many of their accomplishments.

Mr Johnson, who was speculated to show up at some stage during the campaign, spoke before Rishi Sunak at an event aimed at gathering supporters in the last hours before the day of voting.

Referring to their previous conflicts as prime minister and chancellor, Mr. Johnson stated: "No matter our disagreements, they pale in comparison to the crisis we could encounter."

He stated that Westminster was about to move completely in the opposite direction to the progress the country had made in response to COVID and economic growth.

"We cannot just stand by while a Labour government with overwhelming power attempts to dismantle the progress that we have made, that you have made," he stated.

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Mr. Johnson, who achieved the biggest Conservative victory in 2019 since Margaret Thatcher's era, reiterated the concerns raised by the Conservatives repeatedly during the campaign that Sir Keir was headed towards a "supermajority" that could hinder democratic oversight.

"Isn't it completely crazy to think that we might be giving Labour a supermajority, according to these polls? They could potentially make us subservient to the EU, blindly following their laws without any input on how those laws are created," he questioned.

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He claimed that Labour was barely hiding their plan to raise taxes and appeared very self-satisfied.

"Starmer is afraid to go against the beliefs of the left, so he won't even try to discuss the distinction between genders. He just sits there without saying a word, looking shocked."

"Do we desire this insanity? Are we in favor of increasing taxes? Do we welcome more politically correct ideologies being forced upon our schools? Unfortunately, this is the reality we are facing."

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Mr. Johnson made a sudden appearance following a survey conducted by Survation that forecasted Labour would secure a majority of 318 seats, exceeding the 179 seats won by Sir Tony Blair in 1997.

The person who does surveys this said Sir Keir would win 484 seats out of all 650, while the Tories would drop to 64 seats - just three more than the Liberal Democrats.

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Mr Sunak expressed his gratitude towards the previous person in his position for their support. He also stated that it is important for all members of the Conservative party to unite in order to prevent Labour from achieving the large majority that Keir Starmer desires.

We only have two days to prevent Britain from being taken over by a Labour government.

Daisy Cooper, the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats, expressed that Mr. Johnson's presence was disrespectful to all those who made difficult sacrifices during the pandemic.

Rishi Sunak has hit a new low by seeking help from someone who tarnished the reputation of the prime minister's office and repeatedly lied to the public.

It's time to get rid of this exhausted and corrupt Conservative party and choose Liberal Democrat MPs who will support their neighborhoods.

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