Bolivia: Soldiers surround presidential palace in attempted coup


Soldiers have forcefully entered Bolivia's presidential palace while the country's leader raised concerns about a potential "coup" taking place.

Soldiers closed off the entrances to Murillo Square in La Paz, where important government offices are located, before forcefully breaking into the main government building. They then proceeded to enter the building.

Military vehicles and soldiers have positioned themselves in the square.

President Luis Arce had previously expressed concerns on social media about "unusual movements of certain military units." He emphasized the importance of upholding democracy by stating, "It is crucial to respect the principles of democracy."

The Minister of Bolivia, Maria Nela Prada, shared a video on her Facebook page that displayed the scenery outside a window in an official government building.

"I am currently in the heart of the city, surrounded by military tanks and soldiers. This is Plaza Murillo, the very center of activity for the people," she explained.

Mr Arce then encouraged the people of Bolivia to unite and take action against what he called a "coup d'etat".

Arce urged the citizens of Bolivia to come together and take action against the overthrow of the government in support of democracy. This plea was made during a live broadcast to the nation, with Arce and his ministers speaking from the presidential residence.

He said that we must not permit another assassination attempt to claim Bolivian lives.

The military leader overseeing the soldiers in central La Paz, General Juan José Zúñiga, stated that he currently acknowledges President Arce, but there will be a reshuffling of ministers and the cabinet in the near future.

"We will reclaim this land," stated General Juan José Zúñiga confidently from Murillo Square, which had just been seized by the military.

Gen Zúñiga stated that a group of powerful individuals has seized control of the nation, causing chaos and destruction. He mentioned that the military is working towards reinstating genuine democracy in the country.

He announced that individuals considered political prisoners, such as the imprisoned former leader Jeanine Áñez, would be released.

There have been rumors going around for days that Gen Zúñiga was about to be fired.

The military leader went on TV on Monday and declared that he would detain former leftist president Evo Morales if he decided to run for election again in the coming year.

Former president Mr Morales resigned from his position and was succeeded by Ms Áñez, following a request from the army chief in response to protests regarding vote manipulation in the 2019 election. Mr Morales urged supporters of democracy to participate in strikes and road blockades.

He urged individuals who support democracy to protect their country from military groups that go against democratic principles and the welfare of the population.

Once friends, Mr. Morales is now in opposition to Mr. Arce.

The alleged effort to overthrow the government has led to criticism from countries around the world.

The United States is keeping a close eye on the situation in Bolivia and is advising caution, according to a spokesperson from the White House's national security team.

The EU's foreign policy leader, Josep Borrell, stated that the EU strongly opposes any actions that aim to disrupt the constitutional system.

Mexico's President Andres Lopez Obrador spoke out against the attempted coup, strongly condemning it.

Mr. Arce was chosen as the leader after a time of uncertainty following the election in 2019.

After winning the election in 2005, Mr. Morales, who was the first indigenous president of Bolivia, implemented a revolutionary plan to tackle the prevalent social disparities and inequities in the country.

In 2019, the ex-leader of the coca union stepped down from office after trying to ignore the rules and run for a fourth term as president. An opposition senator named Jeanine Áñez took over as interim president in November 2019.

But in a repeat of the 2019 election, Mr. Arce emerged victorious, bringing the Mas socialist party back into power. Ms. Áñez was handed a 10-year jail sentence for making decisions that went against the constitution.

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