The Top 10 Things You Need To Know About ‘Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6’

Black Ops 6

Possible rewrite using different vocabulary: The Latest Installment in the Call of Duty Franchise: Black Ops 6 Gamers and fans of the popular shooter video game series Call of Duty are eagerly anticipating the release of the newest title in the sub-series called Black Ops, which is set to be the sixth installment. While some details about the gameplay, storyline, and features of the game have been leaked or teased by developers and insiders, many aspects of the game are still shrouded in mystery. However, based on past experience and trends, we can make some educated guesses about what to expect from Black Ops 6. Firstly, the game will likely be available on multiple platforms, including current and next-generation consoles such as Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. There might also be exclusive content or bonuses for players who pre-order or purchase certain editions of the game. Secondly, the plot of Black Ops 6 will probably involve espionage, warfare, and intrigue, as previous Black Ops games have focused on covert operations and secret missions during different historical periods, such as the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and the Future War. There might be some returning characters or references to the earlier games, but the story will likely be self-contained enough for newcomers to enjoy. Thirdly, the gameplay mechanics and features of Black Ops 6 will likely combine familiar elements from previous Call of Duty games with some innovations or tweaks. For instance, there might be new weapons, gadgets, vehicles, or modes that offer diverse and dynamic ways to play the game. Some rumors suggest that there might also be some changes to the multiplayer options, such as a new ranking system or a battle royale mode. Overall, Black Ops 6 promises to be another exciting and engaging addition to the Call of Duty franchise, which has been entertaining millions of players worldwide for more than a decade. If you're a fan of first-person shooters, military action, or epic storytelling, Black Ops 6 might be the game you're looking forward to playing in the near future.

Black Ops 6 - Figure 1
Photo Forbes

I had the opportunity to visit Treyarch and get an early preview of the upcoming Call Of Duty game a few days before it was officially revealed last week. The information I saw will be presented to the public shortly after the Xbox Showcase on Sunday. During the preview event, I had a chance to try out a few of the game's maps. It was an exhilarating and enjoyable experience, although I cannot provide a thorough assessment at the moment.

Have a look at the best previews from today's Xbox Showcase right now:

The recent Xbox showcase featured some impressive video game trailers and reveals, as reported by Forbes. The event showcased a variety of games, such as "Indiana Jones", "DOOM", and "Gears of War".

After carefully examining what Treyarch and their collaborator Raven have put together for the game, I am confident that Call Of Duty enthusiasts, particularly those who love the Black Ops series, are in for a treat with Black Ops 6. It deviates significantly from the last three installments in the series (Vanguard, MWII, and MWIII), and really, isn't it about time that we revisit Black Ops? Cold War was released in 2020, which gives Treyarch more time than usual to develop this new entry.

Although the game is developed using the same Call Of Duty Engine as Modern Warfare and other subordinate franchises, it definitely gives off the vibe of a Black Ops game. The campaign has a flashy spy theme that's over-the-top, and the multiplayer is fast-paced like what you'd expect from a Black Ops game. Lastly, the highly anticipated Zombies mode, which many loyal fans of this franchise have been eagerly waiting for, is also included.

To start off, we have the trailer that was released during the recent Xbox Showcase:

Okay, it's time to explore all the essential facts that you must know about Black Ops 6.

"The Gulf War Sets The Campaign"

The plot of Black Ops 6 occurs in the early 90s, amidst the Gulf War. Following the story arc of Cold War and the latter half of Black Ops II, this is a direct continuation. Unfortunately, not all characters from the previous game survived, but we see the comeback of Frank Woods, albeit this time he's wheelchair-bound. In addition, Russell Adler, who was missing for months, makes a reappearance.

Adler comes back and tells about how the CIA has been taken over by a secret group that is now in control of the government. Troy Marshall and a team of spies, assassins, and other criminals join Adler to save humanity. The picture above is from a mission where you have to sneak into a Bill Clinton fundraising event, get into a secret CIA underground facility underneath the house, and fight your way out using guns.

There are different types of missions in the game. Some follow a set path while others have open-world areas that seem much larger than the open-world sections in Modern Warfare III, but I am unaware of the exact size. The missions take place in a variety of locations such as the cold Russian tundra, the desert regions of the Middle East, Southern Europe, and several places throughout the United States.

The armaments and technological aids present in the game embody the period of the 1990s in which it takes place, and many of them are constructed using self-taught methods due to the team's lack of assistance from the authorities.

In between your assignments, you have the option of returning to the Safehouse. This previously used to be a secretive KGB building but now lies abandoned. Here, you can communicate with your companions, select your next missions, work out challenging riddles and participate in additional activities.

"New 'Omnimovement' System Enhances Multiplayer"

So far, this is the most significant modification that will be present in the multiplayer, Zombies, and Campaign modes. However, it remains unclear which Black Ops 6 gameplay features will be implemented in Warzone.

The Omnimovement system permits you to move in multiple directions. You can perform sprinting, sliding and diving in various directions like right, left or even backwards. Previously, you could only dive or slide in a forward direction and run straight while sprinting. But now, you can move freely in a circular motion with 360 degrees of movement, unlike the restricted four cardinal directions. Additionally, it allows you to dive backward while sitting on your butt.

This will surely alter the overall experience and gameplay of the game. You'll be able to extricate yourself from difficult moments and move backwards more quickly. Additionally, the prone feature is more fluid and allows you to slowly turn in the direction you're aiming while lying down. You can even make a 360-degree turn while still on your back.

Moreover, Treyarch has introduced an automatic mantling mechanism that, once enabled, permits you to sprint towards walls and barriers, and effortlessly vault over them without using any buttons. Equally, small crevices, which generally require crouching and pressing a button to pass through, now provide seamless navigation.

"Round-Based Zombies Back After 'Cold War' End."

Treyarch has a long-standing reputation for creating the most exceptional Zombies mode in their games. After a long while, they are finally bringing back the classic Round-Based Zombies gameplay, which boasts of two brand new maps for players to enjoy right from the launch.

One of the maps is Liberty Falls, a little US village filled with zombies. The other is Terminus, an island prison in a turbulent sea. These two maps have distinct variations between them and are bound to generate thrilling co-op experiences.

The default characters shown in the picture will serve as your operators when you go on missions. They have their own cutscenes and voice-overs. However, you have the option of using different operators as well.

"Perks Will No Longer Include Gear"

Personally, I was a big fan of the way Sledgehammer revamped the perks in MWIII as compared to the lackluster ones in MWII. However, the system that separated perks into categories such as Gloves, Boots, Vests, Gear, etc. is being phased out. I am optimistic that this system will make a return in the upcoming Modern Warfare game.

Instead of new perks, we're introduced to the classic Black Ops-style perks alongside Wildcards. The perks are sorted into three categories: Enforcer, Recon, and Strategist. You have the freedom to mix and match these categories in any way you prefer. However, if you choose to select all three from one category, you're given a special bonus perk. Wildcards provide even more customization options for your loadout. You're offered the chance to add an extra perk, unlock three extra attachments on your Primary weapon, and more.

Additionally, there will be numerous fresh Field Upgrades, an assortment of novel firearms and numerous other additions.

"16 Maps For 2v2 Gunfight And 6v6 Faceoff"

At the beginning, there are going to be 12 typical 6v6 maps and 4 "Strike Maps". These special maps are designed specifically for Gunfight mode, but can also be played in the fast-paced 6v6 Faceoff mode.

The 6 versus 6 maps that were presented to us exhibit a wide array of diversity. They range from a burial place for train carriages to a hotel situated on a rooftop, and even an outdoor shopping district crafted after small-town America. The concept behind this is to create a distinct ambiance for each map and incorporate as many settings as feasible.

Another approach to designing these maps is to prioritize their small-to-medium size (at least initially, more maps will be introduced through seasonal updates) with a focus on competitive gameplay. This strategy is clever. I've advocated for a while now that these games require a solid foundation of basic 3-lane maps to serve as a starting point, with only a few larger maps added later to add variety and depth.

Treyarch expressed their desire for each map to provide players with suitable opportunities for snipers, close-range battles, and flanking maneuvers.

Reviving Classic Prestige And Theater Mode

Many video games have linked prestige to advancing through the seasons, and Black Ops 6 follows this trend with some modifications. At Military Level 55, players can now pick to follow a path of prestige or not. If players opt for prestige, their level goes back to 1 and they start over. But the prestige climb is now harder than ever, reaching up to Level 1000 and rewards are available for players who reach many milestones. This new mode is called "Elder Game."

Players can now make use of Theater Mode to re-watch their previous games and moves. Additionally, Play Of The Game has made a comeback, replacing Final Kill. On top of that, the game boasts a Winner's Circle where the victorious team's three best players and their equipped emotes and skins are displayed for all to see.

A brand new addition is a HUD that can be personalized to a great extent, empowering you to fiddle around with aspects such as the minimap, its placement in any corner (or getting rid of it completely), and all the other details and symbols displayed on the HUD.

Treyarch Enhancing UI/UX & COD Launcher

The showcased improvements were limited, but indications reveal that Treyarch has taken player grievances to heart and is dedicated to streamlining the convoluted menus and simplifying the Call of Duty Launcher. The outcome is uncertain, but I am hopeful for substantial modifications. For instance, it would be great if the party leader could switch between menus without forcing the entire party to follow suit!

'Black Ops 6' To Launch For Free On Game Pass: A First For 'Call Of Duty'

It's been common knowledge for some time now, but not everyone is up to date with it, so I'm going to mention it again. Black Ops 6 will be available for free on Xbox Game Pass. Regardless, this game will be purchasable for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC (including PS4 and Xbox One) users. However, if you own an Xbox Game Pass subscription, you won't have to pay for it.

"Pre-order And Game Pass Subscribers Get Beta Access"

Typically, a beta version of the game will be released before its official launch. If you pre-order or have a Game Pass subscription, you will have the opportunity to participate in the beta version early. The specific dates for the beta have yet to be shared, but it is commonly released a couple of weeks before the game is officially launched. While we are on the topic, let's talk about the game's release date.

Black Ops 6 Releases Oct 25th

That's it for now! I will add any additional data, trailers, or significant visuals like charts and graphs to this post at a later time. What are your thoughts on Black Ops 6, at this point? I am interested in hearing from you on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

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