Peterborough Police ABC Honoured with BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Community Award - England Boxing

BBC Radio

Peterborough Boxing Club Wins Community Award

The awards event happened on September 6th at Hinxton Hall, close to Cambridge, honoring people and groups that are positively impacting their communities.

BBC Radio - Figure 1
Photo England Boxing

Club coach Lee Pearce and his son Alfie, a boxer at the club, were present at the event to collect the award for Peterborough Police ABC. Meanwhile, the rest of the team was busy competing at the Barum Box Cup in Devon.

Established by active police officers Chris and Vicki Baker, the boxing club aims to assist young individuals in handling their anger and behavioral issues through boxing. A thankful parent nominated the club, highlighting how their son has significantly gained confidence and thrived through its programs.

Vicki Baker emphasized the influence of the club, stating, "We're like one big family, which feels a bit odd to say since everyone here has such diverse backgrounds."

In conversations with several kids, it seems that without the gym, they would likely be loitering on the streets and potentially engaging in negative activities.

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