Barnaby Joyce makes a shock confession on Sunrise with Natalie Barr

Barnaby Joyce

Barnaby Joyce attributed his embarrassing behavior, which was captured on video, to the combination of prescription medication and alcohol. The footage showed him lying on his back next to a curb and slurring profanities into his mobile phone.

A video that was exclusively released by Daily Mail Australia showcased the former deputy prime minister, who is 56 years old, lying on the pavement located on Lonsdale Street, which is situated in the Braddon suburb of Canberra. This incident occurred at almost midnight last Wednesday.

According to reports, a member of the National Party's top team was seated on top of a sizable potted plant while talking on the phone with his spouse, Vikki Campion. The conversation became quite lively, but the individual lost their balance and tumbled off of the plant. They proceeded to wriggle around on the ground before getting up and resuming the call.

During an appearance on Sunrise with Natalie Barr, Mr Joyce was compelled to speak on the topic of his night out.

Barr asked uncomfortably, "What's up with you?"

Mr Joyce replied, "Clearly, I made a significant error. There's no justification for it."

There's a cause. That stroll back to our place was full of excitement, don't you think?

"I am taking a medication that warns against consuming alcohol while on it, and I can verify that the potential side effects listed were indeed accurate."

of the former Deputy Prime Minister appearing to nap during Question Time. Natalie Barr from Sunrise confronted Barnaby Joyce after a humiliating video surfaced, making it seem like he fell asleep during Question Time.

Barr persisted in questioning Mr. Joyce, asking if he had combined alcohol with prescribed medicine, resulting in the current situation.

Joyce replied, "That's precisely what I mentioned, yes."

Barr inquired, "Do you feel a bit upset that you were lying on the floor, and someone recorded you without providing assistance?"

Joyce expressed, 'That is a matter for them to answer. As for me, the individual who fulfilled the role of the good Samaritan was the taxi driver from India who stopped his vehicle while I was making my way back home. He kindly asked me, 'Would you like a ride, my friend?' and it was obvious that I needed one.'

"Are you in need of assistance with this?" Barr inquired of Mr. Joyce.

"Hey, listen... I don't want sympathy or a justification," he stated.

I'll stick to my words. What I stated earlier is the truth. I returned, I sat on a raised flower bed, lost my balance, and someone took a video of it. That's all there is to it. Is there anything else to add?

Barr proposed that in the event that a company executive were to experience a comparable situation where they were inebriated and on the floor, they would possibly face disciplinary action.

"Are you of the opinion that you ought to be? This was discussed earlier today," she inquired.

According to Mr. Joyce, the decision was not primarily made by him.

He stated that he was not willing to engage in a lengthy conversation regarding the actions of others.

David Littleproud, the Nationals Leader expressed he will offer Mr. Joyce the necessary assistance, whereas Tanya Plibersek, the environmental minister from Labor, decided not to provide any statement.

She informed the journalists that she would not contribute to it further.

It is up to Barnaby and his relatives, as well as his political organization, to address this matter.

Mr. Joyce admitted to using prescription drugs after his father-in-law disclosed he had received upsetting news before the occurrence.

According to Vikki Campion's father, Peter, Mr. Joyce had received distressing news about his family on that particular day.

In June of 2021, there was a photograph of Mr. Joyce along with his wife, Vikki, and their two sons, Sebastian and Thomas.

Over the weekend, a false commemorative sign has surfaced at the exact location where Mr. Joyce took a tumble (as shown in the photo).

Peter Campion revealed to Daily Mail Australia on Saturday that on that particular day, he received some distressing news about his family.

To start off, he has already suffered the loss of a sibling due to cancer. Additionally, he experienced some unfortunate news of a comparable magnitude, but it is not my place to disclose the specifics. This news had a profound impact on him.

As per my offspring's account, he was in an extremely dire situation and was engulfed by profound despondency.

If you see someone in such a distressing state that they have fallen on the sidewalk, it is expected that you would stop and offer assistance rather than exploit their vulnerability by filming it and selling it to the press. It is the right thing to do for any moral human being.

The most significant aspect of this tale was not Barnaby's state of emotional turmoil while standing on the sidewalk. Rather, it is the absence of compassion displayed by his compatriots, fellow citizens of Australia.

How low have we sunk as a society that individuals can simply ignore a man in obvious need of assistance by walking past him?

In the interim, there is a fraudulent plaque present at the location where Mr. Joyce had an accident on Wednesday evening.

The artist was in such a rush that they made an error with the date, stating that it occurred in January instead of February.

A resident who witnessed the incident shared with Daily Mail Australia that 'It's quite amusing. Everyone is stopping and having a good chuckle'.

"They mentioned that it has been fixed in place, therefore it will remain in that position for a considerable amount of time."

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