Banksy: Street artist 'confirms' first name in lost BBC interview


Attention: A missing interview with Banksy on BBC has been found.

A previously undiscovered BBC interview with the enigmatic street artist Banksy has emerged, wherein he seems to disclose his given name.

In a recording from 2003, a BBC journalist named Nigel Wrench questioned the artist if his name was "Robert Banks". The musician responded by saying that he goes by "Robbie".

For a significant amount of time, people online have been guessing about this topic and proposing different names such as Robin, Robert, and Robbie.

You can listen to the complete interview on BBC Sounds called The Banksy Story, which is on Radio 4.

An additional episode of the podcast was specifically recorded when the recording was found.

The blog section additionally mentions that Banksy draws a comparison between his artistic approach, which entails creating graffiti quickly and covertly, and the act of microwaving food.

The artist from Bristol expressed that the task will be speedy and mentioned that they aim to complete it promptly. They added that they wish to finish it efficiently.

This radio interview is from a long time ago and features the artist, who many people in the media call "enigmatic" and "reserved."

The true identity of Banksy has not yet been disclosed, however, this interview provides a unique opportunity for his followers, some of whom are well-known celebrities, to hear his actual voice.

In the summer of 2003, when the artist was in his twenties, he was interviewed by Mr. Wrench, a former BBC arts correspondent, on the occasion of the opening of Banksy's Turf War exhibition in East London.

In July, the PM programme on BBC broadcasted a modified edition. Though, some of the content was not included.

After a long time had passed, Mr. Wrench tuned in to a podcast called The Banksy Story. This made him remember that he had a full interview on a minidisc at home, which he decided to retrieve.

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The artwork titled Sweeping It Under the Carpet by Banksy was created in the Camden area back in 2006.

The unheard-of content contains Banksy's justification of graffiti as a form of art.

"I'm not here to make excuses," he said to Mr. Wrench. "Isn't using profanity just a more efficient way to get your message across?"

Just like how my mom used to prepare a Sunday roast each week and repeat the same saying, "it takes hours to make it, but only minutes to devour it."

"Nowadays, she consumes single-serve microwave dishes and appears to be much more content. Concerning art, I'm embodying her mentality. I aspire to complete my work efficiently and swiftly."

When asked if graffiti is an act of vandalism and breaking the law, Banksy provided some guidance to individuals:

He urged to get outside and vandalize things for enjoyment, followed by mentioning that someone else could cover it up later.

According to him, there are people who have the ability to alter the situation and eliminate the issue.

Banksy gained recognition by creating a succession of street art works that were displayed on various structures in the nation, identifiable for their comical subjects.

Even though he is a globally recognized artist, he opts to maintain his anonymity and doesn't reveal his true identity to the public.

Back in 2018, the art industry was left in amazement when his piece, titled "Girl With Balloon", suddenly "destroyed itself" in London only a few moments after it was bought at an auction.

The artwork, Girl With Balloon, was originally created by Banksy through a stencil on a wall located in the eastern part of London. It has been replicated countless times, cementing its status as one of the artist's most famous creations.

"Further Insights Into The Story"

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