August Bank Holiday 2023: UK drivers issued parking warning

Bank holiday

Motorists have been advised to perform a basic examination prior to embarking on their journey during the August Bank Holiday.

Whether you're indulging in a staycation or embarking on a much-needed day of rest, nothing is more disruptive to your relaxation than receiving a substantial penalty.

Considering this information, the car renting comparison website MoneyShake is reminding drivers who are looking to maximize their time away from work.

Here's the single assessment you must conduct to prevent getting caught off guard and the potential repercussions if you neglect its guidance.

Bank Holidays For Your 2023 Calendar

UK Drivers Given Bank Holiday Parking Warning

Many individuals often make the assumption that the rules regarding parking do not pertain to Bank Holidays.

However, they frequently receive an unpleasant surprise when they come to the realization that this does not frequently happen.

MoneyShake has cautioned motorists that if there are signs indicating the presence of parking limitations from Monday to Saturday, it is probable that these restrictions will remain in effect even on Bank Holidays, unless specifically stated otherwise on the signs.

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It's important to note that this applies to both single and double yellow lines as well.

If you get caught, the municipal authorities have the power to give you a Penalty Charge Notice, which can range in price from £50 to £80 for the driver.

Eben Lovatt from MoneyShake provided insight by saying: "Regulations can differ from one location to another, which means that if you have plans to visit any place during a public holiday, it is advisable to verify the information on the council's official website beforehand."

"It is advisable to consider the bank holiday as an ordinary day unless indications are explicitly implying that the regulations have diverged."

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