Israel demands UN chief resign over Hamas attack comments

Antonio Guterres

António Guterres expressed his profound worry regarding the blatant disregard for international humanitarian laws that is taking place in Gaza.

Antonio Guterres - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Israel has requested that the United Nations' leader withdraw his statements regarding the conflict in Gaza and express regret.

During his speech to the Security Council on Tuesday, António Guterres voiced his outright condemnation of the lethal invasions by Hamas on Israel two weeks ago. However, he also stressed that these attacks were not entirely random or without any context.

The Israeli ambassador, Gilad Erdan, claimed that the accused person was trying to defend terrorism. Therefore, he demanded that the individual resign immediately.

Mr. Guterres dismissed any false interpretations of his statement on Wednesday.

When presented with the comments from the UN chief, Mr Erdan retorted by stating that the remarks were false and inaccurate. He further emphasized the need for the UN chief to step down from his position.

The blog dated 7th October informed that around 1,500 gunmen belonging to Hamas intruded the southern part of Israel from the Gaza region. As a result, a devastating mishap occurred that caused the lives of more than 1,400 people, most of them being innocent citizens. The gunmen also took 222 people captive as their hostages.

According to the health ministry in Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas, over 6,500 individuals have lost their lives in the area due to Israel's use of air and artillery strikes. This occurred as they were gathering troops in preparation for a potential ground invasion.

Check out: Fergal Keane from the BBC gives a report on the severe consequences suffered by children in Gaza.

Speaking at a conference of the United Nations Security Council in New York City on Tuesday, Mr. Guterres pleaded with all factions involved in the conflict to honor and safeguard innocent bystanders.

I strongly disapprove of the terrible and unusual terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel on 7 October. There is no excuse for purposely harming or abducting innocent civilians, or shooting rockets at non-military locations.

Afterwards, he informed the council in a decisive manner that it was crucial to acknowledge that the assaults brought about by Hamas did not occur without reason. In addition, he emphasized that the Palestinian individuals have been experiencing an overwhelming occupation for a period of 56 years.

He spoke about how the Palestinians have witnessed their land being gradually taken over by settlements and have been subjected to violence. Their economy has been hindered, and people have been forced to leave their homes due to demolition.

However, the complaints of the people of Palestine do not rationalize the horrendous assaults carried out by Hamas. Furthermore, the collective punishment of the Palestinians is not justified by these appalling attacks.

Israel And Gaza Conflict Explored

Mr. Guterres expressed his concern regarding the observable breaches of international humanitarian law occurring in Gaza.

He showed concern about Israel's ongoing attacks on Gaza, along with the significant number of innocent people getting hurt and the "complete demolition of entire communities".

He emphasized that using civilians as human shields cannot be considered as protecting them, but he did not directly mention Hamas.

He stated that safeguarding the population does not entail instructing over a million individuals to leave for the southern region, devoid of essential amenities such as shelter, food, water, medicine, and fuel, and then resuming military assaults in that vicinity without specifying Israel as the offender.

The leader of the United Nations has requested a pause in the fighting so that humanitarian assistance can be provided to Gaza in a way that is both more efficient and safer. The aim is also to help free those who have been taken as hostages.

He described the arrival of 62 trucks filled with food, water, and medical supplies from Egypt since Saturday as a small amount of help compared to the immense amount of assistance that is needed.

He cautioned about the potential catastrophe that would arise if fuel was not incorporated. He elucidated that hospitals would be left powerless and purified water would not be made or dispensed.

Riyad al-Maliki, the foreign minister of the Palestinian Authority based in the West Bank, issued a demand to stop the "continuous, deliberate and savage massacres" committed by Israel against the two million inhabitants of Gaza.

The foreign minister of Israel stated that "Hamas are akin to the Nazi regime."

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen expressed his criticism towards Mr. Guterres during his address to the Security Council, questioning the reality in which he resides.

According to Mr Cohen, the slaughtering of 1,400 individuals including men, women, and children by Hamas is considered a massive killing and will be remembered in history as even more vicious than the atrocities carried out by the Islamic State (IS) organization.

Mr Cohen said that Hamas is like the Nazis. He thinks that like how the world joined together to defeat the Nazis and IS, the world needs to come together to support Israel and defeat Hamas.

He responded to the UN's request for a balanced response and a halt in fighting by asking a question: "Can you tell me what would be considered an appropriate reaction to the murder of innocent infants, the sexual assault and burning alive of women, and the killing of a child by beheading? And how can we possibly agree to end the conflict with someone who has vowed to wipe us out?"

After the October 7th events, Mr. Cohen expressed his refusal to meet with the UN Secretary General on X, a social media platform formerly known as Twitter. He stated that due to the severity of the massacre, he believes that a neutral approach is no longer viable.

View: The way Hamas' surprising assault on Israel happened

According to Mr Erdan, the secretary general has displayed sympathy towards terrorist activities and killings.

The ambassador said on Wednesday to Ynet, an Israeli news website, that he had told Martin Griffiths, the Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs at the UN, that the request for an Israeli visa had been denied. The reason for the denial was Mr. Guterres's remarks.

A representative for Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of the UK, stated that "there is no valid excuse for the evil terrorist action by Hamas, motivated by their hate and beliefs."

Afterwards, Mr. Guterres expressed to journalists, "I'm extremely surprised by some people twisting my words... as if I gave support to Hamas' acts of terror. This is incorrect. It's the opposite of what I meant."

He stated that it was crucial to correct the facts, especially as a way to honor and show consideration for the victims and their loved ones.

Mr. Erdan expressed disappointment towards the United Nations as the secretary general did not take back his statement and failed to apologize for it, which he finds shameful.

He stated that everyone comprehends clearly that the message conveyed by his words suggests that Israel is responsible for the actions of Hamas, or at the very least, it indicates his grasp of the underlying factors that led to the tragedy.

If a secretary general fails to comprehend that the killing of innocent individuals can never be justified by any "circumstances," then they are unfit for the position of secretary general. I urge them once again to step down.

"Digging Deeper: Further Details On The Story"

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