Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary guilty of directing terrorist organisation

Anjem Choudary

The Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary has been convicted of leading the terrorist group al-Muhajiroun (ALM) and inciting international support for the banned organization through the internet.

Following a legal proceeding at Woolwich crown court in the southern part of London, Choudary was found guilty of playing a significant role in directing ALM.

The prosecutors claimed that Choudary led the terrorist group for a long time starting in 2014 and promoted support for the organization by speaking at virtual gatherings of the Islamic Thinkers Society (ITS) based in New York.

The 57-year-old person from Ilford in east London delivered presentations to ITS, as prosecutors claimed it was equivalent to ALM.

Choudary became well-known in the UK for his frequent appearances in the media and provocative actions, like protesting at soldiers' funerals. Security experts believe Choudary had a significant impact on many British extremists.

However, the skilled lawyer's seeming capability to operate strictly within legal limits came to an end in 2016 when he was found guilty of aiding Islamic State. He was then imprisoned for three months, serving half of his sentence before being released under supervision.

Choudary's license terms ended in July 2021, and almost a year later in June 2022, he presented his initial online lecture for ITS. From then until April 2023, he conducted approximately 40 lectures or classes for the organization.

However, Choudary was unaware that ITS had been secretly accessed by undercover police officers in the United States. These officers attended virtual lectures on the Element messaging platform in both 2022 and 2023.

ALM was banned as a terrorist group in the UK in 2010, even though it was argued in court that the organization had still been active under different aliases.

The guilty verdict came after the Metropolitan police, the New York police department (NYPD), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police conducted thorough investigations.

Commander Dominic Murphy, who leads the counter-terrorism division of the Metropolitan police, stated that there are people who have committed acts of terrorism or traveled for terrorist reasons because of the radicalizing influence of Anjem Choudary.

At a media event, Murphy also stated: "The influence of ALM has reached far and wide, significantly affecting the safety and protection of the public."

Rebecca Weiner, a deputy commissioner of the New York City Police Department, called it a "landmark case" and characterized Choudary as a "bold and influential radicalizer."

She stated that typically the lower-ranking members, those who are recruited into the group and end up carrying out the attacks, are the ones held accountable.

"And it's not often the person in charge, which is why this is a very significant moment."

Omar Bakri Muhammad, the founder of ALM, was incarcerated in Lebanon from 2014 until March 2023. During his absence, Choudary took on a larger role and assumed his responsibilities within the group.

Khaled Hussein, aged 29, was convicted of being a loyal supporter of Choudary and a member of ALM according to prosecutors.

Choudary was found guilty of leading a terrorist group and speaking at gatherings to promote backing for a banned group. He and Hussein will receive their punishment on July 30th.

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