I Am Andrew Tate, Channel 4, review: horrific exposé reveals the depressing truth behind the myth

Andrew Tate

A production company decided to create a documentary about Andrew Tate in 2022. Despite Tate's arrest in Romania, along with his brother Tristan, on charges of human trafficking and organizing a criminal group, the production company continued with the project. Thanks to Tate's on-camera persona, there was a lot of material available for the documentary, which depicts the harrowing story of I Am Andrew Tate (aired on Channel 4).

In the documentary, Tate is depicted as a person who engages in trash-talking as a kickbox champion, boasts about his achievements on reality TV, presents hyper-masculine behavior on the camera, and advertises anti-feminist ideologies to naive people over the internet.

In this blog, it was revealed that two women from Britain accused someone of choking them, sexually assaulting them, and raping them. It was also mentioned that the Tates took legal action against two other individuals who accused them of the same thing, seeking money in damages. The Tates defended themselves by saying that their engage in violent behavior with women was consensual, despite shocking video clips suggesting otherwise. They also made jokes about using women as objects for sexual gratification, which raised concerns about their lack of empathy and respect for women.

The documentary didn't directly address why Loadsamoney, who lacked a sense of humor, became so fixated on juvenile anger. However, it's likely that his upbringing in a household where misogyny was normalized played a role. When he was a child in the US, Andrew appeared innocent and free from toxicity in home videos but was taught to idolize a father who refused to be controlled by his mother.

He shared that during his childhood, he learned that a man should never give in. When he was 11 years old, his mother left his father, and they settled in Luton. Despite having a tough exterior built up over time, he still feels the pain of being abandoned as a boy. It's notable that he speaks loudly, almost as if he's trying to reach his deceased father who can no longer hear. His father passed away while playing chess, which Tate describes as "in battle" in a sad manner. A therapist would have a lot to dissect with his supposed preference for choking.

We received feedback from individuals who were easily convinced to support Tate and others who were deeply concerned about the negative impact he has on young men. Tate's family members, including his mother, younger sister, and friends, did not provide any statements or comments regarding the situation. Even his younger brother, Tristan, who is always seen smoking a cigar, did not speak up. Towards the end of the well-crafted but disheartening article, a disturbing image of Tate's small daughter was revealed, and one can only hope she receives protection and care.

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