Amy Dowden makes Strictly Come Dancing return after cancer diagnosis

Amy Dowden

Amy Dowden unexpectedly showed up on the Saturday show.

Amy Dowden, who is a famous celebrity from the TV show Strictly Come Dancing, has recently returned to the show unexpectedly. This happened after Amy had started receiving treatment for cancer.

Amy Dowden - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

The Welsh woman aged 33, residing in Caerphilly, has been diagnosed with cancer again in the month of July. Her journey has been documented by her on various social media platforms.

She updated everyone on her chemotherapy treatment after going through the terms and conditions for voting on the show.

"I'm doing great, I have completed more than 50% of my treatment," she exclaimed.

"I'm eagerly anticipating my full-time return to be with all of you."

On the latest episode of the show which aired on Saturday night, Dowden appeared unexpectedly by emerging from a golden fringe wall. She had shaved her head and donned a white sparkling dress.

The performer was greeted with enthusiastic applause and enthusiastic shouting of her name, "Amy," from her fellow actors.

"Let me introduce someone very special from our Strictly family who will be reading out the terms and conditions," said host Claudia Winkleman.

. The person who performs dance from Caerphilly had a surgery to remove one or both breasts (mastectomy) due to detecting a small, hard lump in their body in April.

"We were deeply saddened by her absence and are overjoyed that she has recovered enough to rejoin us this evening."

Tess Daly, who was also presenting alongside, expressed her delight in seeing Amy and conveyed their fondness for her.

Dowden received a stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis when she found a lump in April, just before her planned honeymoon trip to the Maldives with her spouse Ben.

After having a surgery to remove her breast, she was informed that the growths had metastasized and an additional form of cancer had been detected.

She was admitted to the hospital due to sepsis following a previous round of chemotherapy.

The previous month, she uploaded a heart-wrenching video where she was surrounded by loved ones who had a chance to cut a strand of her hair.

Picture provided by Amy Dowden

Amy's loved ones came together to support her as she decided to go bald.

She expressed that she felt strengthened and optimistic after buzzing off her hair. She went on to say that she desired to reveal her experience with others and hopefully inspire them. Her intention was also to show that a bald head can be beautiful and should be accepted as a normal occurrence.

She wrote in the post that cutting off her hair and asserting herself was the most difficult thing she had done up to that point.

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