Amanda Knox insists she is a 'victim' and did not slander or kill anyone after her reconviction

Amanda Knox

Amanda Knox has maintained that she is an "innocent sufferer" and did not defame anyone even after her attempt to reverse her conviction in Italy was unsuccessful this week.

Amanda Knox - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

During a special conversation with Sky TG24, a related channel of Sky News based in Italy, Knox declared that she didn't have any secrets and claimed that she has been struggling her entire life to protect and justify herself.

Knox has been declared innocent of the cruel murder of her former British roommate, Meredith Kercher, who was 21 years old at the time, in the city of Perugia in 2007, following a prolonged legal conflict that has lasted for many years.

On Wednesday, a court in Florence came to a decision that the 36-year-old American had falsely blamed Patrick Lumumba, an innocent man, for committing the murder of Ms Kercher.

Lumumba was the proprietor of the Congolese establishment where Knox, who was attending university at the time and was 20 years old, had been employed on a part-time basis.

In 2009, Knox and her ex-boyfriend Sollecito were convicted of the murder. Various media outlets gave Knox the nickname "Foxy Knoxy."

Both were cleared of the deadly knifing of the British scholar studying abroad in 2011, and later vindicated entirely by the top court of Italy in 2015.

Knox was imprisoned for four years and was finally set free in October 2011 after the verdict was overturned by the appeals court.

Amanda Knox - Figure 2
Photo Sky News

In an interview with Sky News producer Simone Baglivo, Amanda Knox, who was previously found guilty of defaming Mr. Lumumba in 2011, stated that she doesn't go by the name Foxy Knoxy, but, rather, Amanda Knox.

"I have suffered."

At the young age of 20, she claimed to have become the target of worldwide hatred as the girl accused of murder, and she had to dedicate her entire life to fighting back and proving her innocence.

"I only desired to lead a life of my own. But I made it through," expressed the woman.

Knox, who is from Seattle, expressed on Wednesday that she believed the court's decision was unjust and incorrect. She also made a commitment to bring the case to Italy's highest court by filing an appeal.

The lady expressed her strong feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction, but also declared her resolve to continue on with a steadfast attitude of honesty and transparency.

Lumumba was imprisoned for a fortnight due to the statements made by Knox while being questioned by the police following the murder.

Knox spoke out, stating that she did not defame Patrick, nor did she commit the crime of killing her friend Meredith. She vowed to return and continue battling the unfairness she has faced.

Amanda Knox - Figure 3
Photo Sky News

According to her, during the first round of questioning by the police regarding the murder, the officers subjected her to "psychological torment, mistreatment, and abuse."

"It was the most terrible moment in my life. They deceived me into believing that I was insane."

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During an interrogation, Knox had blamed Lumumba for the murder of Ms. Kercher. In court this week, she argued that her conviction for making false accusations should be nullified due to the way she was treated by authorities.

Back in 2016, the European Court of Human Rights declared that the questioning of Knox was against her rights as she was not provided with a legal representative or interpreter. Furthermore, the highest court in Italy annulled the case of defamation last November and instructed for a new trial.

She added: "For 17 long years, my whole life as an adult, I have been falsely blamed. Despite being innocent, I had to suffer the punishment of four years in jail. My sole intention was to be honest and truthful right from the start."

At times, I feel completely helpless but I will continue to make an effort endlessly.

Amanda Knox - Figure 4
Photo Sky News

Check this out: Raffaele Sollecito grants an unusual interview discussing his wrongful accusation. Meanwhile, Amanda Knox makes light of her murder accusations via her Instagram post.

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Currently, Knox has become a mother of two young kids who voices her support for the reform of criminal justice and actively fights against unjust verdicts.

Whilst bringing up my kids, I desire for them to observe my resilience. It's a stroke of good fortune for me to be surrounded by loved ones who back me in what appears to be an enduring battle.

I want to extend a comforting thought to all those who are unfairly imprisoned: please know that you have support. Although challenging times will undoubtedly arise, there are individuals who are eager to assist you.

Italy is a place that is close to my heart and I have a strong desire for us to build a deep connection. I am putting in effort towards this goal.

Knox has been deemed to have already served her three-year sentence for slander while in prison, therefore she will not be required to serve any additional jail time.

Knox shed tears and embraced her spouse Christopher Robinson upon the delivery of the court's judgment.

In 2008, a court found Rudy Guede, who hails from the Ivory Coast, guilty of sexually assaulting and murdering Ms. Kercher. His DNA was discovered at the location of the crime. After completing 13 years of his 16-year sentence, Guede was freed from prison in 2021.

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