Alan Hansen: Former Liverpool defender and pundit seriously ill in hospital, club statement says

Alan Hansen

During his time at Anfield, Alan Hansen played 620 matches for Liverpool and had a career that lasted for 14 years. He was able to secure eight First Division titles, three European Cups, and two FA Cups. After his playing days were done, Hansen worked as a pundit for the BBC for more than two decades. He is also a former Scotland international.

On the afternoon of June 9, 2024 at 5:39 PM in the United Kingdom.

Former Liverpool's player Alan Hansen is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital and his health is in a critical condition.

The Premier League club released a message that said: "Our kind thoughts and encouragement go out to Alan Hansen, who was our exceptional former captain, as he is presently enduring severe illness and undergoing treatment in a hospital. All of us at Liverpool FC are thinking of him during this difficult time."

Right now, the club is communicating with Alan's relatives to give them our assistance during this challenging moment. Our feelings, desires, and aspirations are with Alan and his entire family.

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"We will keep everyone informed as we get more information, and we ask that the Hansen family's privacy is honored during this period."

Hansen was a Liverpool player for a total of 14 years, beginning in 1977 when he joined from Partick Thistle. During his time there, he had great success, winning a total of eight First Division titles, three European Cups, and two FA Cups.

During his time at Anfield, Hansen acted as the captain for four years. His contribution to the team resulted in a remarkable 620 appearances, which secured him a place among the top 10 Liverpool players.

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The protector additionally earned 26 instances of playing for Scotland and took part in the 1982 Spain World Cup.

After his time as a player, Hansen - who is now 68 years old - became a well-respected commentator in the country. He spent over two decades working as a pundit for the BBC before calling it a day in 2014.

Gary Lineker, who used to work with Hansen on Match of the Day, expressed sympathy and sadness for the terrible news, sending his thoughts to Alan, Janet, and their loved ones.

The Match of the Day page on BBC expressed their condolences and sympathy towards Alan and his family during this tough period.

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