Rik Mayall Comedy Festival Planned

Rik Mayall

An idea has been formulated to organize a festival of humorous performances in the birthplace of Rik Mayall.

Mayall spent his formative years in Droitwich Spa and debuted on stage at the Norbury Theatre at a young age. Amidst these performances was his role in a rendition of Beckett's Waiting For Godot, which was helmed by none other than his father, John.

The comedian who had a lot of impact passed away a decade ago when he was 56 years old. The festival is expected to kick-off in 2025.

Local representative Richard Morris is credited with originating the concept.

Mayall rose to stardom during the 80s through his appearances on television programs such as The Young Ones, The Comic Strip Presents, and Filthy, Rich and Catflap. Today, the Gold Channel is airing a fresh documentary that delves into his sitcom Bottom, where he acted alongside his usual collaborator Ade Edmondson.

Discover additional information regarding Bottom Exposed at this location.

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