Championship and International info in Hill and Trail Running Handbook - Scottish Athletics


It was the second day of January in the year 2024.

Scottish hill and trail runners will have various chances to participate in Championship and International events until the 2024 season. These events are listed in the Hill and Trail Running Handbook, which can be accessed through the Team Selection section on our website.

Championship - Figure 1

We strongly desire for Scotland to keep being represented by skilled and well-equipped teams, and to persist in producing athletes who will be a part of Great Britain's teams in significant competitions.

The Hill Running Commission is passionately committed to ensuring our athletes, both young and old, have access to an adequate and appropriate programme that meets their needs. This is why the International Programme was created to cater to everyone.

The lineup of activities for both local and global participants features uphill-exclusive races, a fantastic opportunity for individuals who want to experience mountain climbing without the risk of descending at high speeds.

Many factors determine the selection of athletes and events for a successful program aimed at achieving great performance by Scottish athletes in the UK and beyond, and featuring Scottish athletes in GB teams. To achieve this goal, the program encourages top endurance athletes and their coaches to participate and plan their season accordingly.

Championship - Figure 2

Sportspeople who may have the chance to be chosen should regularly update the National Endurance Manager (Off Track Pathway), Angela Mudge, or the selection committee regarding their race schedule, achievements, training advancements, wounds, sickness, and when they are free to participate in the said races.

Having this kind of data and interactive communication is highly beneficial in aiding the selectors when it comes to choosing the most optimal teams possible.

Angela Mudge takes charge of our Off Track initiatives.

Categories: Book Review, Running In this review, we'll be discussing the Hill and Trail Running Handbook, which is a guide for runners who are looking to take their training up a notch. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, this book has something for everyone. First and foremost, the Hill and Trail Running Handbook is all about hill running and trail running. Hill running is a great way to improve your strength and endurance, while trail running provides a fun and challenging way to explore the great outdoors. Both of these types of running are becoming increasingly popular, and the Hill and Trail Running Handbook is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to get more involved in either one. The book is split into two parts: the first part covers hill running, and the second part covers trail running. Each section is packed with useful information, including tips on how to improve your technique and avoid injury, as well as advice on the best equipment to use. Overall, we highly recommend the Hill and Trail Running Handbook to anyone who is interested in hill running or trail running. Whether you're looking to improve your performance or simply want to try something new, this book is an excellent guide that will help you achieve your goals.

Championship - Figure 3
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